Personal Coach & Mentor
So who is a Personal Coach and/or Mentor?
As kids, we are surrounded by adults teaching us, in many ways. As kids, we absorb in sub-conscious and conscious ways and we become a product of all the various teachings and learnings. We reach adulthood. Now what?
We expect, and for the most part lean on the years of cumulative knowledge to guide us through life.
Catch is that life with its constantly changing environments, emotions, and thoughts throws us challenges that we do not know how to navigate. That problem that’s keeping you up at night may or may not resolve without outside help. And, it’s okay to seek that help. I am not necessarily talking about deeper issues that perhaps counselors or psychologists can deal with but more simpler hard to answer questions and decisions. Talk about decision fatigue! Especially when we already have so much to deal with in and be responsible for.
A personal coach or a life coach is NOT a psychiatrist/a psychologist/therapist. Think of life coaches as mentors, as that friend you turn to for advise, the person who can say it like it is, guiding you through some of life’s basic and personal questions.
- How to juggle time as a mom?
- Why is my teenager acting up?
- How do I start a business in the USA
- I am having pregnancy issues!
- Am new here in the US and I don’t know what to do?
- Cooking and feeding my family when am on a diet is so hard!
- How do I grow my business on Instagram
- and more!
Why me?
I have helped, supported and made a difference to many a girl and young adult, including women through my entire life. It is a blessing to be able to bring a difference into people’s days and lives and help them navigate their issues. As a certified life coach, I have an empathetic approach to life through a mix of practical and mindfulness techniques for the times we live in. You also have my promise that if I am unable to guide you, I will be honest and send you towards the direction of support.

Think of me as your mentor, a coach,. an older sister, a personal coach and cheerleader who can help you unravel some knots, answer some questions that you don’t know who to ask and lift that roadblock to get you going and owning your true amazing self.
Single 55 minute session one on one on Zoom is USD 40 (INR 1000)
Packages are available (email for more information)
Step1: Click here and remit the amount:
Step 2: Schedule your session with me
If none of those times work for you, please email me at – or message me on Instagram and along with your timezone and we can find a figure a mutually convenient time.
Thank you for choosing me to help guide you. Feel free to message me (email or instagram) to let me know 🙂 You dont have to, am just saying!