46 days

  1. 1st glass of warm water
  2. Coffee with 1% milk
  3. Oatmeal + banana
  4. Mint tea (no cream)
  5. 2nd glass of water
  6. Rice noodle soup bowl – Trader Joe
  7. 3rd glass of water
  8. 4th glass of water
  9. 1 slice of thin crust Domino veggie pizza (The company got us lunch!)
  10. 5th glass of water
  11. 6th glass of water
  12. Green tea with lemon
  13. 8 baby carrots with salsa and hummus
  14. 7th glass of water
  15. 1 cup of bisibele bhath with yogurt
  16. 8th glass of water

Did the abs (4 sets of 10 reps each) and leg stretches (1 ste of 10 reps) in the morning. Sneaked out at work to the gym downstairs and did 10 minutes of bike, and 10 reps of machine weights (abs and chest press). I was to go for a swim, but didn’t.

The mumbai shootings and attacks has made me a bit sick in the stomach. May the ones who succumbed rest in peace, and the dear ones they’ve left behind find some sense in this insanity, and ultimately find a way to cope.

After reading continuous tweets, news and feeds, I snapped. As vain as this may sound, I walked out of the house and went for a haircut after picking up some groceries for tomorrow. Figured I could color my hair as well in the process and chose a ‘Brandy’. I know, but I swear that’s the name. It hardly looks brandy, more like dark coffee bean. I don’t see much difference tho’, maybe tomorrow it will settle into its form or not.

Quite a few bloggers are flying out tomorrow towards home. Please be safe, stay close to home, always know where your exits are when entering closed buildings and be vigilant. This is surely not the time to flaunt your Americanisms, and if you have toddlers or kids, ask them to shutup and keep it low in public spaces. As rude as that sounds, it’s the kids’ accents that gives us away, when we aren’t fanning ourselves complaining about the heat, crowds or prices; putting on airs that is. 🙂

What a thanksgiving this is turning out to be…

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I am a scattered mom. Scattered to the point that am prone...
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4 replies on “46 days”
  1. says: Joy

    Rads, I feel horrible seeing/hearing/ reading about Mumbai. You did a good thing taking a break and cutting hair short. Sure now you head must be light.

  2. says: Joy

    Rads, Not sure 🙂 A hair cut definitely elevate out spirits and reading all these news and knowing that us just regretting/fretting is not going to end this, I liked the idea that you took a break from TV/laptop.

    Hope this ends soon and we do come up with a long term plan to fight fanaticism.

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