a cycle run

So this summer Ive been meaning to spend more time with my Zeph and also more time outside. My new favorite before 9 am on most days is to take my Trek(cycle) and cycle around the neighborhood. Gives me some low-impact aerobic to do and 20 minutes of clear me-time while I sort things in my head. It’s a mess most mornings when i get up. Almost like the neurons decided to get all impish and twist themselves into a frenzied knot just because I work them so much during the day.

Usually the husband does Zephie’s morning walk. It’s their sacred time together. I have started taking her mid-afternoon into the woods and new terrains that she doesn’t do with him. Maybe twice a week.

Yesterday we were at the vet. Came back with a few revelations.

1. Zeph could afford to use 10 lbs. (yay, so could I, I cheered myself!)

2. She was awesome just the way she was according to her breed. She was not a huge kid person, and wouldn’t play fetch, but more herd and it’s OKAY for some breeds to not care about fetching or playing with other dogs. (I figured, just like mommy!) 3. She LOVES royal canine diet treats. Paid a hefty $40 for a 8 lb bag, which we shall use till next year!

Zephie pausing for me to keep up

With all this circling in my head, I wondered and debated and figured a good start would be to craete a schedule. Then I laughed. A schedule and me? Okay.

Plan B. Let’s at least take baby steps. Maybe take her to the dog park more. But then again, the lady doesn’t run. She chases. So UNLESS there is another dog out there who wants to play lead and catch, this one will not care two hoots on who else is around her. Seriously, the way she skirts around and walks along rthe fences and the humans in her own la-la land is insanely cute and I can so relate. That’s me at most gatherings. Maybe dogs do become their human-parents after all?

So, anyways, this morning I woke up to gorgeous weather. This I noticed after the initial completely heart-wrenching news of Gaza, Iraq and Algeria threw me into a frenzy and restlessness. I shut the computer and the phone and made a breakfast smoothie and walked out to the deck.

Was gray, wet and cool. I loved it! There was a slight drizzle but nothing that would bother me.

So I debated. Should I run to the gym and then walk her, or do I walk her now and then cycle around or do I cycle her and then walk and so on.

I asked Zeph and she sat up and wagged her tail at me. Had this adorable look in her eyes and I said “Okay, let’s go!” She darted to the door in one huge leap and stood there waiting for me to open it. I did, she sat at the usual spot on the edge waiting for me.

Got my shoes on and picked up her leash.

Walked to my cycle, pulled it out and then looked down at her. I had no idea what I was doing. But there I was with leash in one hand circled, and still holding the handle bar of the cycle.

So I said “what the heck? jog along with me, will ya?” She nodded (okay, wagged her tail) and I got on, paused just for a second and I pushed me off the driveway. She hesitated, but I prodded her and she started walking with me and then jogged a bit.

I cycled slow along the side, and she got the hang of it and in a burst of excitement, darted very close to the wheel. I braked suddenly and in my usual not-so-graceful manner that only happens when am on the TREK, I almost fell off. She cowered and looked at me surprised.

So I looked at her and said: “Ok zeph, One of two things will happen if we continue to do this. 1. I may just strangle you in this process and hurt you. 2. I will not be able to handle your running and pulling while on the cycle and so will fall and break my head or neck. Since we dont want either to happen, let’s do this.

I remove her leash, circle it on the handlebar and say “let’s go” ..and we went! Boy, did we go or did we GOooooo! 🙂

I cycled, while she stepped on the sidewalk and jogged alongside of me. Off the leash, on track, happy and carefree and with an absolute glee in her gait, she would stop, sniff and get back on hearing my voice and we were so in sync and happy! She would stop at the STOP sign, and I would encourage her to cross and she would, and she would jog alongside on me on the road and then I would tell her “No Zeph, get back up” and she would dart around and get on the sidewalk and keep up with me.

We did two circles around our community. that’s about close to 1.5 miles. She did awesome and looked a bit winded down at the end. It’s a start, but what an awesome start. No?

Oh Gosh, I love this new found activity of ours.

Now to make sure we ensure no one gets scared out of their minds as we race down the sidewalks.

She I know stays on track, with minimal distractions.

I, must make this a habit between us. <3

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