Health & Wellness
I have adopted the low carb / keto lifestyle since April 2016, and it's done me a world of good. I like the place i am in and how my body works. Keto has given me a new lease of life.
There’s a lot already on here. 12 years and 800 (visible) odd posts is a lot of content. I’ve written about my days, the kids, the challenges, my body, my journey, writings, and food.
Going forward I envision this space to be more about lifestyle and where I have reached over the past couple of years. Mindful living, Meditation, Yoga, Style, Parenting, Being comfortable in your skin regardless of your age or how many kids you have (or not) and most importantly Slow Carb – Low Carb – Keto recipes and notes on what works for me.
I am here to learn and share, and I hope to bring (and gain) some value to ones who read and follow me here and on social media.
I have adopted the low carb / keto lifestyle since April 2016, and it's done me a world of good. I like the place i am in and how my body works. Keto has given me a new lease of life.
It is always a pleasure to hear back, so make your presence felt. You matter. Everyone does. Contact me for further conversation via email: rads.kowthasATgmail.com or just use the contact form here.
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