knock knock

is anyone here?

*cautiously peeks and looks around*

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32 replies on “knock knock”
  1. says: My3

    Yes Yes. We are all here. Continue with the joke please. I am usually a tube-light when it comes to jokes 🙂

    1. says: rads

      I understand it’s very hard curbing your enthusiasm for my post, but patience already.. the start’s a tad rough you know 😛

  2. says: Shankari

    YOU ARE BACK??? I did know this! When did this happen? How did this happen? I saw your comment on Blogeshwari’s blog and did a double take after seeing the URL, came here and saw and you are BACK!!!! Yahoo!!! Big welcome back! Taking your advice(avially one) , I finally did start writing a blog 🙂

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