potpourri 13

So my head’s bursting with events and things that I am itching to write and yet, somehow the inertia to do so is lacking. Then again, am a spontaneous blogger, so no matter how nicely scripted a post is in my head, there is no guarantee that it will see the light of the day coz well, I may just suddenly get all impulsive and write on whatever it is that’s piqued my interest at that moment. Like that last “merely players” 😐

Like this potpourri. Am stretched big time today. I’ve been on the road all day jumping from one place to the other using my home as a rest stop to fuel myself and the rest of the clan. I have 35 minutes before I leave for the event that I’ve been waiting for since a few weeks. Yet, what do I do? Instead of relaxing from the hot sun and the flusters of the crowded mind, I sit here tapping away a potpourri, while the pasta is boiling. Yeah, am weird like that.

The various posts that I should really get going are:

1. The SPB show’s review. It was excellent. I even have all the songs performed written down. IR rocked all the way.

2. The ARR show’s review. It was good. Will say more in my post.

3. The incredible adrenaline driven beading I’ve been doing for three full days. It was like as if the world bead supply store was closing down and I had to go have my fill! Started off to send it to someone and now have at least 7-8 designs that am actually quite thrilled I created them myself..

4. The evening’s show that I have been asked to write a review on, which will happen earlier than rest as that’s time sensitive I guess.

5. The insanely numerous pictures I’ve been clicking but not organizing. 😐

6. My life. The peaceful calmness that’s taken over me since a week. It’s incredible. The clarity, the the assurance and the feeling of being in the right. Contentment so to speak.

7. Review of Raavan (hindi) – I actually liked it, and yeah, feel free to sue me.

8. Review of this book am reading – See Paris for me. (am a little annoyed at it (very unfortunate), but am hoping I’ll change my pov, coz am only halfway through..)

9. Go-Green post that’s 95% drafted since a week!

10. So much more on music, and dance and the occasionally amusing and interesting people I run into.

Okay, I’ve crossed the desi margin for being officially late. So toodles.

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