
Cooking for 1 {fable}


She grew up seeing her mom in the kitchen. Her aunts, grandmas, older female cousins and random ladies, all bent over the stove, cutting…

a little 6 year old


Ive always treasured birthdays. My own more than anyone else’s actually. I expect to be treated special. I like to be pampered. I like…

flutters {fable}


She was late. Not like I was in a hurry or anything, and she called to say she was running late and sounded flustered…

on karma


Think the guys who started this ‘karma’ business surely knew what they were saying. Took me a while to get on that bandwagon but…

anniversaire {fable}


It was a cool but sunny day. Just like before. A thin black sports jacket over her pink shirt, she drove right into the…

let go {fable}


“let go”  “let it be” “let me be!” “Let things be, don’t, just let me be” “please can’t you just let go?” *** She…

OK. {fable}


They were polar opposites in nature. Maybe that’s why they were attracted to each other. She sighed wryly, almost every few days. The days…

fluids and fluidity

fluids and fluidity


This was just supposed to be a commentary on my Instagram shot, but it got too long, so figured why not make a post…