tag 5

A muser tagged me to list 5 quirks of mine. Now, that’s hard to do considering am perfect. Perfectly quirky in so many ways, to narrow down to a mere 5 was a task for poor me.

Anyways, is it Fall yet? There isn’t a hint of brown or red on the maple trees even in New England[I checked even!], and here I am feeling quite like Atlas, except that the world’s my head. Have you seen the Gushers commercial – where heads pop, yes, that’s how I feel right now.

So there you go, that’s my first quirk that probably drives everyone around me nuts. I would start talking about the bees and land in the flowers where I’d traipse off into keukenhoff’s tulip farms and talk about Rekha’s eyes which would lead into a handsome ophthalmologist-intern way back in the 90’s; while the person in front of me is squirming on how to drag me back to the original bee conversation or better yet how best to make a hasty retreat!

If there are papers lying all around, I HAVE to arrange them all neatly, in piles, sorted according to the must-keeps, recyclers, to read and throw, trash etc etc. This obsession/quirk is only with regard to papers. Much to the husband’s chagrin, I’d happily pile it all away as he is reading the paper in the morning. No amount of him shouting, ranting, eyeing, would have an effect on me. Same goes with the kids. So now the moment I am in the vicinty, the collect their belongings and leave the building. I also compulsively collect one-sided sheets and reuse them for various stuff around the house. I feel for the trees. That’s my second quirk.

Third quirk is that I go around saying Thank you and Sorry to anyone who has anything remotely to do with me, and who deserve it. Like for example back in India – I’d thank the auto guys, the sari shop fellas [honestly I feel sorry for them when they keep throwing out piles of saris and I dont like any!] and then apologise to them that I didnt like any, the maid who’d clean the vessels. My mom thinks am positively nuts. Ive always been that way. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I ‘ve always believed that no one really has to be nice to you. They choose to be and that’s a thankful kind act that one needs to be grateful about. If I apologise it’s not because I feel like I’ve made a mistake, it’s coz despite what I did or not, the person was hurt and I feel for them.

Yeah, I know, it really isn’t practical, but that’s just silly me.

On special days, I’d bend over backwards to cook a whole meal – the complete nine yards from scratch. As in a 6 course meal. Even my mom and husband think am positively looney. They’d want to help, but nope, I have got to do it all by myself. It’s not like I am forced to, just that I enjoy it and the special days need to recognized and that’s my way of doing it. So yay, we are down by 4.

My final nutcase moment is that I go positively cuckoo when I am hungry. So if am acting totally outa character or am ranting and raving for no reason, it’s coz the glucose levels are dangerously low and that’s playing havoc with my mental faculties. I’ve done some pretty weird stuff during such lows that now folks who care and know me are all too aware of such cuckooness.

Oh this is precious, I gotta share:

Once during a particular dance rehearsal when I was roped in to “teach” a bunch o ladies and I’d walked into practice skipping a meal for some godforsaken reason. Then each one decided to act all cocky with me and were putting up panga wrt costume, steps whatever. So after bearing with them for 30 minutes I threw a fit. I gave them all a good lecture for 10 minutes straight while they sat there looking all shocked and well, quite scared. It wouldve been okay if not for the fact that I was the youngest in the group and all of them were a good generation ahead of me. The hostess luckily offered us some snacks to break the tension in the room and after downing some bits ‘n pieces, I was back to my sweet self! 😉 So, despite this being, o I donno, 9-10 years ago, I still get teased and women  recollect the incident with awe, anger, amusement and well, terror.

This is also the reason I don’t particularly care on “dieting[starving]” myself thin. No can do. Won’t too.

Am done. Anyone else want to share on how they go postal please feel free to pick up the tag.

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17 replies on “tag 5”
  1. says: rads

    Terri – it can either be one or the other. ;-p
    Suddenly you’re all over the place, so WP worked better for you eh? You should switch too!

  2. So what’s an example of a 6 course meal?

    Also, I can empathize with the sugar withdrawal. Sometimes it feels like a moral deficiency, doesn’t it? Starving millions out there, and going cuckoo because of a missed lunch.

    P.S. Nice digs, like what you’ve done with the place


  3. says: Ok

    Hey Rads come over to my lab and room sometime. It needs a lot of tidying up. How would 25th Dec sound? I am not in town.

    Anything that you find is not important. You can throw/tear or do whatever you do.

  4. says: rads

    ok – nope, you go clean your own mess! :p

    bpsk – Thanks! 🙂
    well, Appetizer, Curry, Daal, Sambar/pulusu, Pachadi/chutney, Rice and dessert.
    Oh yes, don’t get me started on starvation.. I don’t like to waste food for that reason too.. huge guilt pangs.

  5. says: bApHoMEt

    6 course meal?!!?!! I AM COMING THERE NOW!

    (and i’ll make sure i get something my mum made before you start cooking. i dont want glucose deficiency to jeopardize the preparation of the 6 course meal.)

  6. says: A Muser

    Totally get #3 and #5. Been there, done that! 🙂 Hey, can I join Baphomet and come along for that 6-courser? I am not promising to bring any food along though. P.S. I am especially fond of rasam.

  7. says: Nandita

    hey..i do the sorry/thank you thing too…auto guys, vegetable sellers, even doormen who open the door for me at shops/ restaurants…and at sari shops…dont ask..i dont even let them open the saris unless i really like it…its painful for them to fold it all back…
    my friends accuse me of flirting with waiters because I say thank you and smile at them…

    Your style of writing has changed. Somethings different. And I don’t just mean your blogging tool. hmmmm….

    i’m telling you..me likes commenting on wordpress…

  8. says: rads

    Nandita – me like hearing from you too! 🙂
    lol, you do feel bad that way right, I mean so much work and esp when you know you are going to pick just 1!
    Re writing style – I think it is a true reflection of our minds. We all go through changes, and our way of expressing changes along with it. Esp when it comes to my ‘freeestyle-blogging’ – As long as you like reading, am fine 😀

    dushti – opearative word being “special days”

    Muser – lol, yes as long as you get the baby along. I LOVE the way new babies smell :–)

    Joey – sure thing! Does your mom make Puttu, that white fluffy stuff with coconut? That should work for me! :–)

  9. says: Pavan

    Thanks for having provided this opportunity to comment, and Sorry if this has any spelling mistakes or hurt you unintentionally 🙂

    Welcome to WP!

    PS: please reply after you had a nice meal

  10. says: some body


    #3 – that is something i can identify with (and i really mean it too). got caught a couple of days ago :-). after all, it is the others’ time, not yours. if they choose to share with you, they need to be thanked. so, really, should this be a quirk, or normal behaviour (as long as you mean it)?


    “Hey Rads come over to my lab and room sometime. It needs a lot of tidying up. How would 25th Dec sound? I am not in town.”

    once rads is done, your papers will also probably not be in town! 😉


    hmmm … #3 for you too, eh? you’ll get a reply only after happy hour! 😉

    – s.b.

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