Cartilage Tear. Swellings. Arthroscopy. General anesthesia.
Crutches. Physical therapy. 4-6 weeks recovery.
Fall. Schools. Work. Deadlines. Drive. Goals.
A cold scare.
MRI? No piercings Ma’am. What? but.. but.. No Ma’am. It’s a magnet. It’s going to yank it off.
Lost. Little indulgences. Shots of courage fluid into drops of pain, shattered glass.
August. Crap. Loads of it. Heights.
responsibilities, wishes, dreams and to-do’s.
to manage it all.
A cold scare.
Friday. 2 weeks ago. Could it get any worse?
April-May. Can it get any worse?
Jan-Feb. Can it get any worse?
Holidays. Bright lights, cold, snow. More twinkles than there are. Water in the eyes.
Refractions and Reflections.
A journey down a dark road. 4 more months. Hold on tight.
It can’t get any worse than this.
It won’t.
Can’t afford it.
Well, like I said, it usually gets worse before it gets better. And It will get better. 🙂
The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you the dawn is coming.
ummmm is your knee ok?
u need a break, go for it Rads.
what’s going on???
here is an article to rekindle your old memories …
– s.b.
Imagine this is a movie. I am the gay friend standing in front of you. The scene –
Baphie slaps Rads on the face and shouts, “Snap out of it.” There’s a moment of intense gravity. And then we smile and talk about cute men.
Hormones hormones.. our lives are ruled by them, aren’t they?
I would agree with Baphie, though. We (I mean both of us) need a good hairbrushonrear treatment.