bucket list

The earliest I remember of having a semblance of a bucket list was a goal list, way back when I was a kid and I was barely 11 or 12 years old.

It was a small piece of notebook paper, folded many times over. It had a few lines jotted down on it, and I had a hand me down worn wallet that dad gave me, and I tucked this in there. Dad suggested I do this, coz he said the more you see something written down, the more it grows strong in your heart and head and the more strength you will find to get it done.

I don’t recollect all of them but the main ones were:

1. Become a doctor

2. Own a big big car

3. Adopt a girl child.

4. Somehow make sure stores in India never close on Sundays (coz how would the rest of us shop?)

5. Go live in the US

..and then there were a few more but these stuck

I at least have one down. :–)

..and then Pinterest comes up and shows us a much fancier way to jot down a bucket list. I occasionally open that up, and get a kick out of typing “done!” on things that I have managed to accomplish. Like the time when I got my tattoo, and was so so happy that as soon as I could, I jotted it down under that tile here.


I have so much more that I need to get done.

The latest being to participate and do the American Diabetes Association ‘s Tour de Cure, come June 2014. It’s ambitious considering I barely have cycled at all outside, plus the winter will be on us, but somehow I think I’ll do it. I am not committing to any mileage yet, but I will do in March-April, when I can realistically aim for one.

So yeah, this here is my bucket list.

As Ive said in my description, and I also believe, that we are most fortunate when we can at least scratch off half of what we aim for and want to get done in one lifetime. It’s personal achievements and badges that we wear, ones that only we can see when we stand in front of the mirror.

Am ambitious aren’t I? 🙂

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