budding snow?

March 21st Spring has officially started. So the cherry blossom festival is around the corner, our own local trees showing buds, my neighbor’s yard has some daffodils peeping from under some still flaky grass, another neighbor was opening up the water pipes, ready for another sunny season, and then..


I peeped outside my window while tucking myself off to bed and what do I see…

A fresh blanket of white over my front lawn. I blink. Blink. Is that really ..s..sn..sno… snow? like in the soft powdery manna that makes kids go ‘whoppeee’ and the rest go ‘damn’

Yes, ladies and gentleman. It has snowed in our parts of the world. It’s 27 degrees on march 22nd, and we still have our frikkin fat jackets and scarves and wollens along with the swimsuits and the sprouting bulbs, and fancy skirts at the mall.

Over the past one year, Ive noticed there hasn’t been a consistency with the climates – as in 4 separate seasons. 70 deg F in Dec, 27 deg in April – I am telling you, soon we won’t have climates and season, just days and different temperatures. That essentially boils down to bigger closets, and more money down the drain to keep yourself equipped for any temperatures. Good for the economy I suppose, but cmon, I can’t hang a skirk next to a turtleneck! That will sooo not be approved by fashionistas! damn!


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7 replies on “budding snow?”
  1. says: kuttichuvaru

    ya… i am noticing the inconsistency in the weather too… was as high as 80 last week n ppl started comin out in shorts n drivin convertibles… this week, it is bak to bein cold… at least its not snowin yet (touchwood!!)….

  2. says: madsies

    Actually..in that way New England has always prepared us for such weather changes 😀 yea there is a saying that in “new England” one has to carry sunglasses, an umbrella and a snow jacket when stepping out!
    Whew! how many things can one pack?!

  3. says: Shilpa

    Brrr thats cold…esp if u r in my part of the world…

    The temp fluctuates each day even here; we have to check the daily forecast and dress accordingly !!

  4. says: rads

    gingko – *shudder* thinking of you as a fashionista :p

    KC – tell me about it. I thought we were sheltered well out in this area…

    Madsies – am so glad u enjoy all that packing. Can’t take so much cold weather and inconsistencies.. am so temperamental anyways!

    Shilpa – u are a texas cowgirl 😉 Thought out there it’s like Chennai – hot, hotter and hottest 🙂

  5. says: Shilpa

    Nooo its not that bad at all. The climate is like Delhi actually. Gets very cold in winter and very hot in summer. We’ve snow too but only for a few days 🙂
    Right now its chilly and nice.

  6. says: Archana

    Ah Calif seems to be having confusion between hot, wet and cold right now. Net result is most of us have a permanent cold/cough. Ugh!

    But yeah, I *still* love Cal weather :-D!

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