Childhood Dream: Kuchipudi Dance

There is inspiration to be found by peeking into others lives and looking at how they did what they did. What it took for them to achieve a goal or a vision they created for themselves and perhaps understand and learn to apply it to our own lives.

2013_Utsav 303

Meet Kavitha Cheedalla, a Kuchipudi dancer and teacher who started learning dance as an adult and along with her daughters and now heads a dance school in Norther Virginia, near Washington DC. Practice, grit and determination through pain and sweat. The only way to achieve and to be happy, basking in the glory of knowing you did it.

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Kuchipudi Dancer.

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2 replies on “Childhood Dream: Kuchipudi Dance”
  1. says: Kim Mibram

    Kuchipudi an established dance form originated in Andhra Pradesh.Kuchipudi, a pre-eminent Indian classical dance form counted among ten leading classical dance forms of India. Thank you so much for posting this dance form.

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