coffee – what kind?

Ive liked coffee all along. My mom’s filter kaapi was the best. it’s like a potent 3 ounce espresso shot of caffeine waking up your senses in the morning. Don’t remember when I got hooked to it, but yea, am addicted to that morning dose. I don’t care for the rest of the day, but if i don’t have my regular within 10 minutes of waking up, I’d have a horrid headache , and no nobody wants mama with a headache!
When in Europe, I enjoyed the coffee. Tried out different ones everytime I emptied a can. Lovely roasts, sometimes gentle, sometimes too strong, some just aromatic. Felt good about getting “international” with a taste that comes close to home….and then the honeymoon ended – read – I moved to US.

I like quality and not quantity, and that’s just what I found a lack of when I arrived here.

McD and Burger King just gave you crappy huge quantities of the black brew. After the first few sips – I’d rather dump it off. It’s a torture. Starbucks is nice, but a bit pricey. Well, you get what you pay for is a good adage here, but nope, it isn’t worth the $ either. Someone told me Dunkin Donuts had good desi coffee – yea, it comes close, like a second cousin that doesn’t really fit in….

2 weeks ago I decided I’d brew my own, so picked up this lofty looking can from Trader Joe’s. It’s okay, lots of beans and very little coffee strength. Kinda expensive for a shot a day, and somehow not seeming worth it.
Am upset, and the quest continues for that perfect cup o coffee… in the meanwhile, I’ll be switching from instant to ground beans to whole beans and yes, I have tea to fall back on. Lucky me!


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One reply on “coffee – what kind?”
  1. says: madsies

    Rads-you are right with the kaapi back home!
    I dont mind Dunkin Donuts.
    But u really want the back home taste its “Brook Bond Green label” and a Sarvana Store Stainless Steel Kaapi Pphilter :))

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