good lord

My darling, sweet and wonderful daughter celebrates a birthday, and I officially have become a mother of a teen.

Yikes! Gasp!

Okay Okay, no dramas.


Dear daughter,

I have to start by telling you that you make me and your dad look good, with no effort of ours absolutely.

You came into my clueless life as a charming precocious little thing, and I must admit I learn more from you everyday than the other way. Thank you for putting up with my whims and fancies, for being the stable and grounded personality that our family needs. Your dad and I knew from the time we laid our eyes on you at Edith Cavell, that you’d be our beacon, our joy and most definitely our favorite. Just don’t tell that to your brother or sister.

Today is just a formality, an initiation into youth as the world likes to mark it, but elegance has always been you, something which you carry with you as a part of you. When folks affirm to me and dad what we already know but still find it hard to fathom considering you were born to us, it makes us beam, and swell with pride. You bring tears of joy to our eyes, and my throat chokes with the intensity only you can bring in me, when we see you on stage with the flute, dancing, making that 3 point shot, when you fight with great animosity with your brother as you claim your right, even when you argue and stomp off from us.

Thank you for being the responsible daughter, for being a wonderful big sister, a hardworking student and a real trooper. You are as resilient as they come, and may God give you more strength, wisdom and the forethought that comes with intelligence in the years to come by. God knows and we all do too, the next few years would be the most exciting yet the toughest that you will ever face. Creating an identity that you are happy with and accepting it enough to bring you deep sleep at night. I want you to know that we will be there for you through this time, and wish you would let us be your struts as you make it on your own.

I just went up and saw you tucked in your bed and the excitement of turning 13 is palpable in the room. I’d wanted to get you that Tom Brady jersey you wanted but the darn stores didn’t carry them and you know how prepared I am. Sorry.

I remember how at DSW, armed with 4 pairs of shoes (the most you’d ever bought at one shot and what funky ones too!), the grin on your face as you squealed and jumped with joy at the displays, and the number of times you told me “Mom, this place is so cool! ” and “Why didn’t I come here before?” and “please can you bring me here before school starts?” – to see you as a wild unfettered child was pure joy. For most of the time you behave, think and act on the maturity that our head somehow manages to churn. My eyes filled with tears and I beamed with pride when you so responsibly told me “mom, remember the jersey I wanted, it’s okay now, I have these shoes, I don’t want it.”, as we were walking out after having spent triple digits on the shoes by the arm loads. Oh okay, you got 4 pairs and I got 2, but still!

In any case, I swear to you, no 12-13 year old in her right frame of mind would ever say what you did. I know your brother won’t and most definitely not munchkin. She’s such a demanding little princess!

May all the world’s happiness be yours, as you most certainly deserve it.



ps: sorry about your snap and the way your eyes shine. No, I didn’t do it on purpose, it’s the iPhoto’s editing software and yes, you look perfect, and no, am not saying that coz am your mom. Okay, Go have the cake in the refrigerator, yes it’s chocolate with strawberry mousse. You welcome. 🙂

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40 replies on “good lord”
  1. says: Silvara

    happy birthday to your beautiful daughter 😀 She reminds me of myself when I was that age…i looked exactly like that 😛

  2. says: rads

    Thanks everyone, am sure she’s feeling quite thrilled already 🙂
    Priya: Sure thing! Send me over your address and I shall see it delivered!
    Silvara: haha, yea? Maybe you should post a picture! 😀
    SK: I am sure she feels it’s the other way around. ;-p

  3. You’re such a nice mommy. You really make me go back in time to appreciate amma taking me to the shoe store a lot more. She used to say this about my maturity at a coincidenc-ial age of thirteen, except apparently I grew out of it and became a spoiled teenager at 18 anyway.
    Also, I love the picture, and I love daughter even more for being a Tom Brady fan 🙂
    Happy birthday hon, you won’t realize it for another errm..good few years, but you’ve got yourself a mom that is way beyond ubercool (for want of a better word).

  4. says: terri

    What is it with these mature-beyond-their-years first-borns? They lull you into a false sense of security and make it seem as though rearing kids is child’s play – until the second one comes along and hits you like a slap in the face!

    P.S. Little one, don’t grow up so quickly.

  5. says: dipali

    Your daughter sounds so wonderful. God bless her and her wonderful parents who can appreciate this precious child for what she is, and her younger siblings who have this terrific big sister. Happy Birthday, young lady.

  6. says: Jyothi

    Many Happy returns to your daughter. They grow up so fast.
    I came upon your blog last week. Having moved to MD recently and using the tunnel to work at Baltimore, I kind of thought and wished (desperatly) that you work (or live) near by. I absolutely loved your blog. I am an avid blog reader or you can say I am addicted to reading blogs. I read each and every post and then I re-read them again. They are fantastic. If there is an award for best blogger you are sure to get it.
    Kalaki katinatlu rayadam ante edde nemo……

  7. says: a muser

    Happy birthday to your daughter, Rads! It must feel tremendous, to see your daughter become a teenager. And a wonderful, responsible human being.

  8. says: sandsrandomramblings

    Nice one Rads. Happy b’day to your daughter. She sounds a lot like my older one:)

  9. says: rads

    Thanks all. 🙂

    K3: Sure thing! 🙂

    Sands: older ones are precious aren’t they? 🙂

    Muser: It’s a defining moment, and we have a lot of those every few spans of time. One of those perks of being a parent I guess along with the non-perks 🙂

    Jyothi: Thank you! So honored and happy to hear you say all those nice things, but still, you are being too kind! 🙂
    I am a bit south of DC, and Baltimore’s just a hop skip. An hour’s drive so to speak. We arent completely hopeless 🙂

    dipali: Yea, daughters are precious. Frankly, she’s a second mom to my munchkin, a preferred one too!

    terri: I know! :

    schmetterling: lol, I have to make sure you two don’t become friends, she’d write you long essays on how her mom’s just so mean and strict with her! Thanks tho’, am keeping fingers and toes crosed that it doesnt get bad at 18, though am q sure we will have our moments! 🙂

  10. says: lakshmishankari

    Happy Birthday to your daughter Rads! Wish her and you many many fun filled years ahead.


  11. says: munimma

    I think my comment got lost.

    HB to K1! First borns are always precious. After all, they did make us moms.

    PS: why are you so excited, old woman ;-P

  12. says: bApHoMEt

    I am etching the permalink of this post to memory. Someday, when I have a daughter, I shall prolly copy-paste this to her. LOL. Lovely letter Rads.

  13. says: Maverick

    Wonderful post and you have a beautiful daughter. I hope if my Mom wanted to write a letter to me, about me it would be as sweet as this, and in my best possible ways I’ve tried to be a good son too. Well, I’ve done pranks and things which every teen does, but hopefully nothing wrong enough to hurt them.

  14. says: WT

    Huppy Budday! 🙂 and welcome to the world of awesome Teens…We Rock! 😉

    ps: Rads, don’t forget my share of the cake.:D

  15. says: daisy

    happy bday to ur daughter.. and congrats to you ( and hubby) on becoming a teen’s parents..
    She is definitely lucky to have a super-cool mom like you..

  16. says: rads

    daisy: Well, donno about congrats, but Ive suddenly sprouted 2 gray hairs :

    WT: Absolutely not, your piece shall be duly eaten. By me. :p

    mystic, boosmom: Thank you 🙂

    Mav: O am sure you are even if you did play truant. It’s the age, not you. My 2 cents 🙂

    Baph: You don’t need borrowed feelings, you are an awesome writer yourself and am sure once you hold a daughter in your hands, the feeling overwhelms you.

    Lakshmi, dhyuthi, Anu and Apple: Thanks so much, for your wishes and delurking 😉

    Muni: I was wondering why no one picked on that yet, and am certainly not old!:D

  17. says: usha

    What a beautiful post and why are my eyes moist! I could feel you love and pride and contentment at this daughter of yours.
    You made me want a daughter yet again.
    My best wishes to both of you.

  18. says: rads

    usha: Thank you. The daughter read the post and comments and smiled happily. That’s good for now 🙂

    Muni: O am sure! 😛

    Archana: Thanks. You becoming microscopic these days. I don’t like this new situation you are in.. :

  19. says: some body


    happy belated birthday to your oldest munchkin!

    note to all you doubting thomasas and marys (or should that be “maries”?): kids are munchkins for their parents even when they – the kids of course – are 60!

    – s.b.

  20. says: some body


    “What is it with these mature-beyond-their-years first-borns? They lull you into a false sense of security and make it seem as though rearing kids is child’s play – until the second one comes along and hits you like a slap in the face!”

    how true! well said indeed.

    – s.b.

  21. says: bluebutterfly

    i dont know how i got here ….. maybe blog surfing …. or something . and i know this is like so late … but happy birthdy to your daughter …
    i am a confused teen … and reading that made me cry …. i hope your daughter reads it ….
    it so special …you sound like the supercool mom .. lol ….
    i didnt even realise i was crying until the third paragraph … sometimes mom’s need to tell this stuff to their daughters …. so anyways …this was one awesome post …your love and happiness and pride were alomst palpable !!!!
    best wishes to both of you !!!!

  22. says: rads

    bluebutterfly: Yes, I agree. Moms do need to tell their kids how much they mean to them. Especially on occasions that matter. All that crap and old thoughts about “not praising kid in front of the kid” maybe had it’s benefits, but at the cost of feeling the kid under-appreciated isn’t worth it.
    I know how it feels. Has some serious long-lasting effects.

    Thanks so much for commenting. 🙂

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