preparing to cross

Continuing on from this post – Romancing the book , I wanted to lay down a few things and take stock of who is in and in seriously to keep this chain going. I counted 5 of us who were in last, and I hope everyone is still on, and perhaps a few more.

Here are my expectations: 

  1. I will buy the book. This book will travel. No other books will show their head. 
  2. I plan on getting Calvin and Hobbes. Regardless of the edition or number of times any of you read it, what’s not to like Calvin and his pet tiger’s ingenious ways of looking at the adult world. It will perhaps be a genre that everyone will enjoy and laugh. The two things that we want this chain to be associated with, and in a less visible way to experience the journey of a book exchanging hands and traveling the world.
  3. I would like for the book to cross USA. Travel around as much as it can and make its way back to me.
  4. For that to happen, we don’t want the chain broken. If at any point in time, if someone cannot take it forward or does not have anyone to pass it on to, my only request would be to send it back to me and am available via email for my address.
  5. I will insert a picture or a description of the place I am in, and the date recorded on it. It will be nice to have each of the readers also add a small note that will describe the place or family or anything that adds value to the traveling book. That *is* the whole point of this exercise?
What’s in it for you:
You will get the book in the mail. You are expected to do only FOUR things:
  1. Read. Laugh. Enjoy.
  2. Write a note in your handwriting – keep it as private or as open as you’d like. (as described above in #5 above) Tuck it in to the book.
  3. Send ME an email with the contents of the note, and I will reply with the next address in the chain.
  4. Mail it in to the next address to the person. That will be the ONLY cost that you will bear. If you are within US, then it should not cost you more than $5.00. As I said above, if you are unable to do this, or want to back off, email me. I will understand, but I surely do NOT want the chain broken. That is really my only request of you. 
I am the middle man. I and only I will know your names or nicks and unless you clearly mention to me that you don;t mind others knowing. Rest assured, your details are safe with me. Once you finish the book, you will email me at rads dot kowthas at gmail dot com and I will send you the next person’s address for you to send it to. Last I checked, am a safe very rooted desi mother, living a very normal life with my husband, three kids and a dog, in the suburbs of Washington DC. You even have my picture up there, and been here on this blog too long to risk it for any dumb stunt. Am safe and no, I am not a stalker of any kind. Kinda too busy for that kinda silliness.

I know some of you are looking at me like Ive lost it, but some of us care for our privacy and even if its the minority, they need to be respected, so we will err on the side of caution. 

As the book travels, I will keep the group updated either via email or here on the blog (if there is enough interest generated) and everyone can participate in the laughs or journeys.
Grand Finale:
Once and when the book reaches me (and it WILL reach me no matter what unless it gets caught in floods!) I will scan all the handwritten notes and it will be an interesting experiment that will enrich our lives in a way that the internet and digital age has not. Yes, we borrow, but we are dependent on the physical movement of that book and not just an email forward. (which btw, I loathe with all my heart and kind soul)
Who is in?
Comment here or Mail me – rads dot kowthas at gmail dot com
Updated September 25th 2011
Place hops:
  1. Virginia
  2. Delaware
  3. Arizona
  4. Washington (state)
  5. Hyderabad
  6. Southern California
I NEED MORE HOPS! Do me a favor and someone find me a European an Australian and an Asian who’d play? Share this post if you’d like? Please? Thanks!
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24 replies on “preparing to cross”
  1. says: Aakarsh

    I like the Concept! but Calvin and Hobbes?? No offence, I like it myself. But with such an interesting experiment, “I think”, the book should be something more interesting.. something that makes us ponder, connect with our lives, something that sets us into introspective tone – so much that it triggers reactions.. like reactions to every chapter perhaps… so that people can write their thoughts in the page gaps… or paragraph gaps.. I know I am not articulating well… but i feel that a different genre of book can really enhance the experience of this experiment.
    These are my immediate thoughts! you can always disagree!
    But experiment is awesome and I’d like to be part of it! (let me know how, via email; just in case i forget to check the following comments here).

    1. says: rads

      No worries, I have your email id, and will add it on 🙂

      Regarding the book: Calvin and Hobbes is probably the most thoughtful book Ive read. There is lot that the little kid ponders and makes us adults introspect. That’s my opinion of course.
      But I love the idea of it being scribbled upon! That would be awesome.

      You suggest a book and maybe we can all vote on it? I’ll add a note to the post!

      1. says: metlin

        C&H is perhaps one of the most profound pieces of work I’ve ever read. It disarms us just because it’s a comic, but there is so much there beyond the simple jokes.

  2. says: Mickie Menon

    A little surprised at the choice of book, but am all in for another round of Calvin and Hobbes- anytime! And I think it’s a good choice for starting out on this.

    I would like to suggest Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese, for sometime down the line.. plenty of scope for introspection 🙂

    Fingers crossed on the success of this chain!

    1. says: rads

      There is more to C & H than comics 🙂
      I have this 10th anniversary book, and it’s a pleasure reading the author’s thoughts when he wrote the strips..

    1. says: rads

      lol, yes! there are so many other ways to do this, but you know me Metlin, am old fashioned with some stuff. This is one of those 🙂

  3. Hi,

    Back as promised, only it took a while! So, I was caught on your concept and thought it would be great if it worked out. I would like to be in too. But tell me where do we stand as of now? I see no progress here beyond Sep 26. How do we take it forward from here?
    The reason I like the concept is because I could probably interact with a lot of people from diverse cultures over a period of time. Next, it would revive my dead habit of reading books! Am eager and waiting…..

    1. says: rads

      Ram, unfortunately for some, life intervenes and we are forced to prioritize. I don’t have a deadline on when to start and finish, so will get to it soon as soon as I find the right book.
      Regd interaction, I must warn you that we do not plan on interacting any more than just the book. So maybe this isn’t what you are looking for?

    1. says: rads

      Thanks Charu, I haven’t gotten to it yet, it’s been a busy few weeks. Care to email me your whereabouts? Thanks. 🙂

  4. says: Terri's mom

    I see Hyd in the list above, so please add Bangalore too. (I will find our local post office by the time the book reaches me.) Thanks.

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