request for help

Anyone have a Nokia Phone. A used one? ok, how about a charger for it? Is it lying around somewhere in a corner gathering dust?

Why do I care you ask?

Here’s why …
I lost mine. Just after 2 months of upgrading to a nice smarty one, I lost the frikking charger! Since 1 week, Ive been cut off from any communications on the road and forced to choose between inane and horrid old tapes/cd’s or the radio talk shows. Some are entertaining enough, some are plain old bla. People sounding sprightly jocular while we harry through our mornings…

I looked everywhere, and even asked the baby in a zillion ways. She promptly keeps showing my dead cell phone and shoving it into my hand. The poor thing.

I don’t feel like spending $30 to get a charger. Isnt that outrageous – asking for $30 ?! They should just hand them out, coz I mean, seriously! Some dude on good old ebay is selling it for $7. Should I just go buy it?

It’s a nokia 6102 and the charger looks like this. Weighs like a feather!

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10 replies on “request for help”
  1. says: Anonymous

    I had the exact same situation but luckily my phone was an old one. So I bought a cool SLVR ut lost all my contacts with the old one. Well, nothing is perfect.

  2. says: Terri

    You sound like one of those people for whom a cell phone is a natural extension of the arm 🙂

    Why don’t you try listening to an audio book while driving? Of course, I haven’t tried it yet, but I am not letting that stop me from giving away gratuitous advice.

  3. says: rads

    lol terri – in my frustration i forgot mentioning the fact that my driving time is MY time – once home, am consumed, and at work I have eavesdroppers 🙂 I catch up on folks then. 15 mts up and 15 mts down.

    art – no, hubby’s is an old one. I just upgraded 6 weeks ago.

    deepa – i used to have all numbers in my head, then childbirth caught up and ive lost all memory! 😐

    orchid – tell me abt it!

    madsies – stop laughing, I know you are enjoying your time without me calling u!

  4. says: Twisted DNA

    I have two old Nokias which we don’t use. I am sure the charger would fit BUT I am not home 🙁 You will have found a solution by the time I get home. Let me know if you lose it again 😀

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