ganapati 2009

As  with every year since I’ve come into the country I’ve tried making a Ganapati for the Ganesh puja or Vinaka Chavithi. Some years the clay molds to your fingers fabulously, while some it seems an effort to just get it look like one that is so unrecognizable it needs a tiny place card before him.

It’s always been fun and on occasion I’ve had contributions from the kids if in mood and well, if it was a holiday. Today we all sat around the table each working their own little model and this was how our kitchen table looked for 20-30 minutes while I cooked alongside and getting things and everyone (excluding the husband) were having a go at “o my Ganesha is the best!”

Gray was the daughter, the son and munchkin (partners in crime and everything else) got White, and I landed the Terracotta.

ganeshaSon specializes in miniature modeling, and that’s his tiny one he’s holding on the bottom row. Munchkin of course did her cute little rounds, on bottom right corner and then got hugely upset coz “everyone else’s is much better than mine” and then I re-created hers (which I thought looked like pikachu)  with direction from her, and thus formed the larger one top right. Daughter of course was doing all fine until she got stumped with creating the face (right top corner) and then used my model from 2 years ago and managed it.

So here are the final products, all four waiting on the plate of rice.


..and then the after.


It was a hurried job considering how busy the weekend’s been, but, as always, it’s all good.

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31 replies on “ganapati 2009”
  1. says: metlin

    I look like one and therefore I insist that folks feed me (and my big potbelly). I’ve a little hamster, so that counts as my mouse (although given my size, poor little Niffler would probably die if I sat on him).

    The only problem is the whole wisdom and the no-women thing.

    1. says: metlin

      In fact, let alone sitting on him – the poor guy would die of terror if I even hinted that my posterior was approaching his skinny little back.

  2. says: Kama

    Wow, how cute! I didn’t know people made their own. On a side note, may I ask: How long has it been since you are in the US now?

  3. says: Sands

    They look beautiful. I should get Meg to try one next time. She is the one with the artistic gene in our household 🙂

    1. says: rads

      O, this year’s been great. Daughter did teh rangoli outside after I drew it on paper for her along with washing up all the silverware, son picked flowers and grass from the lawn and vaccumed the place, and munchkin pretended to be a busy body between it all. 🙂

  4. says: maami

    Utterly charming and creative!
    The grey one is truly excellent, the whites are cute, yeah ok so the terracotta makes the cut too (you made it a? lemme go and die).

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