uber solver

When to-do lists grow on refrigerators, bathroom mirrors, and the dining table like weeds on miracle-gro and the hands on the clock seem to swallow numbers in a hurry…

Where there isn’t a single byte of space left in your little pea brain to process the red light ahead that you just jumped..

What does one do when there are too many things to do?

Not sure about you, but I’ll just sit here and do nothing. Works for me.

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6 replies on “uber solver”
  1. says: kabini

    single byte of space? yeah, you qualify – clearly the geek goddess now! and I know you love it, so don’t even try to pretend that you are not basking in the glory.

  2. says: rads

    Kabini: oh, am a super geek and techy one at that too just not the kind that would bring in the money. *sigh

    PV: LOL! You’re catching on quick 😉

  3. says: rads

    SK: hehe, the joys of “doing nothing” 🙂

    Bhel: Yeah, but these days am hooked to exercise. Everything else is debatable :S

    *i know, am bad*

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