Wednesday Feature will continue

So remember those Wednesday Featured interviews and series of blogs that I had started before the holidays. The ones that showcased Entrepreneurs and strong influential women, ones whom we could all learn from? Yeah, they are coming back on.

My knee issue and the holidays took a toll on me and Ive been cooped in my own head, and am all but blaming the polar vortex for this ridiculous flaky attitude of mine! But then, we are now up and am walking around like am a toddler learning to walk, and suddenly the world isn’t such a bad place. It’s a cold place, but not a bad place.

That said, this will now be a fortnightly feature. First and Third Wednesdays a month will feature a Meet this awesome person post that am sure will impress, inspire and bring a smile on the day that most of us need it! Middle of the week blues so to speak.

Just thought I’ll do a quick announcement and we start next Wednesday – February 5th 2014. 


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