30 day challenge

So we embark on a 30 day challenge that I got caught on while on Twitter. Here are the posts (1,  2 and 3) that started this off.

This isn’t new and we all have at different times and at different lengths gone on challenges ourselves. To better our habits, life, soul and perhaps even our eating. I use the term ‘better’ loosely. Sometimes all it requires is a change from what has become our normal routine, just so we steer ourselves back onto the path we are originally destined or maybe even where we want to go.

I’ve always enjoyed having deadlines and declaring it out here for a couple of reasons. One, it gives me some blog material. Two, am loud and bare like that. Three, my grand dream has always been to change to world. In small ways, to be influential in a few things that I believe in and then scheme up a way to arm twist at least a few other folks to change over. My blog has been my campaign docket, and has seen all the little “I will do this” little outbursts and in the process I have managed to rope in people to jump along with me. It’s all good.

Ive done some weight challenges, and I wish I could get back on it soon, but I need to recover from the last fewmonths and so that shall be shelved for when school/Fall starts and I have my mornings to myself.

Instead, I had this whole list of things to get done before Labor Day that I wrote and stuck it up on our bedroom walls. Just so the few things that I had in mind (and the husband is unaware of) will be out there for all to read and once I get that done, and they open their mouths in surprise (or shock), I can throw back a “what? you didn’t see? It’s been out there the whole summer for you to read!” 

yeah, I know, am clever like that! 😉

…and I’d like to point out that I accomplished 6 of those 17  tasks despite the madness of summer. Go Me!

Anyways, so since am on a roll to get things done, and this came along on Twitter, am thinking why not?

As a mom of three very active children who range in their ages, personalities, habits, temperaments and (cap)abilities, I must not over promise, as doing something and sticking with it for 30 days is a conscious effort, (till it doesn’t, and then you move to a new one) and since my brain has very little downtime I cannot tax it more than it can take.

Here’s to starting simple:

1. Remove sugar. Eradicate it ultimately. I plan on reducing it for the first week to 1 tsp and then we make our way down further.

2. Do an hour of work with munchkin every day. 2 pages of math, 1 page of comprehensive reading and then work on our “person of the week” project. It’s Hilary Clinton for this week.

3. Hug each of my kids and tell them one good happy thing they did or are, every single night before I shoo them upstairs. (It has to go on record that two of them are at a stage where they cannot absolutely stand any human contact, especially if the contact comes from parents. )

4. Write one post/review or some material to be published once a week. That would mean 4 by Labor Day.

5. Spend 15 minutes every day on Yoga: Breathing and stretches.

5. Read. One book a week. At the very least.


These are not intensive or hugely conscious efforts, but it’s August and I have my plate loaded enough with other tasks at home. September will see me upping it.

I suppose, I will tweet everyday like a checklist, and will post a weekly report here, and tag it with #30daychallenge

So all you silent lurking readers, I know you are reading me, what do you think? Do you have a vision of yourself come September and want to jump in and hold yourself responsible.

In my experience, two things help while goal setting:

1.Writing down what you want to accomplish helps tremendously! seeing your goal/wish/dream in black and white is a huge motivator

2. Break a goal into smaller do-able chunks. Be specific. Don’t just say – I want to climb Kilimanjaro. Unless you are Matt Cutts or some similar. Breaking it to: Need to be able to do x miles a day without break. Build upper body strength. Increase lung capacity. Lower body fat percentage to less than 10… and so on.

So there.



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11 replies on “30 day challenge”
  1. says: A&N

    Very very cool. I achieved the no sugar thing in my coffee but 😀 still eat dessert. Should stop. Next month 😉

    Love the hug your kids everyday one. Good fun!

  2. says: Jairam

    Here’s wishing you all the very best and yes the daily tweets will not only help you keep daily tab but also might end up in you getting enough encouragement whenever you need it

  3. says: My3

    Fantastic! My husband made a comment that I am going Zumba more for social interaction when I told him that there were three other Indians in the class. Actually I am more afraid of them asking me why I missed a class that I schlep myself to Penn State every Wednesday. Social broadcasts are a very strong motivation. Tweet and blog away. We will inspire each other. After all that is what friend’s are for.

    1. says: rads

      Thanks so much Mytri! I know I can always count on you 🙂

      There is truth is the numbers and support system. Not all have teh deep motivation to stick through a hard task, and knowing someone else is rooting for you makes you partly do it for them too!
      Yep, Zumba away, and, maybe wil get back to it one day soon.. 🙂

  4. says: Muser

    Good luck with your list… i have one thing in the next 15-20 days, start driving on my own.
    I am new to the US right now and the thought of taking the car to the free way all by myself at the break neck speeds scares the hell out of me. I have been able to do this with the husband guiding me.. The other thing that i have been trying to do is exercise daily ! This blog and all the others should be a motivation for me!

    1. says: rads

      O absolutely Muser!
      Driving on the freeway is actually boring after awhile 🙂 Just remember to be confident, stick to the right lane for starters and don’t shift or give up your lane unless you have a spot on the other. 50 mph is a good start.

      Why don’t you take the car out and just do one exit at a time? Get one say, at exit 40 and get off at 41, and everyday increase your exits. That could help?
      You’ll do fine. 🙂

  5. says: kabini

    Awesome! I don’t think you should worry about faltering, you can count on some of us to provide appropriate encouragement 🙂

    especially love the hug kids and say one thing nice bit – very cool!

  6. says: kabini

    awesome. I don’t think you need to worry about faltering, some of us here will only be too happy to provide appropriate words of encouragement 😉

    especially love the hug the kids and say one nice thing bit, very cool.

    1. says: rads

      Thanks for the offer, just don’t back out of it or feign memory lapse :p

      maybe you should start a small one yourself?

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