
Remember Flubber?

Yeah. Now imagine if there was a prescription that one could spray onto one’s heart?

Or how about a slinky? what if we looped it around?

Boomerang. Now that’s better I suppose, but only if it didn’t catapult back into the dumps.

ooo, how about a trampoline? A teeny mini-sized one that the shattered poor little sucker can be placed on and then, THWACK!

Back in orbit baby?

So many choices to pick from, it’s a shame not to be able to decide a winner.

If you ask me, I think the darned organ needs a major re-design.

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7 replies on “bounce”
  1. says: rads

    Thank you ladies 🙂

    It’s just one of those days, hasn’t been a particularly pleasant weekend in terms of flashbacks. But seriously tho’ don’t you think the heart just ought become more linear instead of looking like a piece of immovable lard? :p

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