Carrot-Cucumber Spiralizer Noodles

thai style carrot-cucumber noodles

Over the weekend, we returned from a week long trip to Peru, and after all that walking and hiking, and leapfrogging through hotels and towns and scavenging for food (am the lone vegetarian in the large group), we cam home wiped and sick and all everyone craved was some simple rice, rasam and the like.

This morning however, I woke up feeling guilty and the need to get back on track.

Routine’s a good thing. I wanted schedule, and the regularity and I most definitely wanted to get back on track with clean eating and exercise.  So, this afternoon, I opened my refrigerator and stared. It was stock full of groceries, after this morning’s trip to the store. Which posed another problem.

What do I make?

The question that haunts me when I have no groceries, and the same question that haunts when I have one too many vegetables looking at me from the bin.

I was craving something spicy, and we haven’t had Asian for awhile, so I peered again with that intent, and well, of course I had carrots and the cucumbers, and decided I’d make noodles off them.

thai style carrot-cucumber noodles
thai style carrot-cucumber noodles

So, pulled them together, got my handy Spiralizer, and made some noodles! Thai-inspired, complete with peanut sauce and red pepper flakes.

I love my new Spiralizer. I used it a lot when it first came in a couple months ago, and then usage tapered coz of multitude things including summer and having the kids home etc, but Ive pulled it out again, and I intend creating recipes and making ones that will suit my palate (am cursed with the need to have fire on my tongue!), so subscribe (blog or twitter or facebook page) and follow along if you are interested.


thai style carrot-cucumber noodles

I also have a few more recipes and video on my Instagram, so if you are there, check them out?)

Like what you see? Me too!

I couldn’t wait to get my fork and dig in. It just turned out so pretty! So this is what I did:

Recipe for thai peanut sauce: 

  • 1/4 cup of peanut butter
  • 2 tbsp of coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp of soya sauce
  • 1 tbsp of rice vinegar
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp of red chilli paste (or you can always add in red pepper flakes or not!)

Optional: I did not add garlic as I don’t like those raw pieces sticking in my teeth, but if you like the taste, go ahead and mince some and add it in.

Whisk all of this together and let it stand.

Peanut Sauce

Spiralize one large carrot. Then one thick cucumber, I leave the skin on, helps with crunch, and let the water drain out of the cucumber. Sit it in a colander and forget it for a bit.

Now, carrots would be crunch, and cucumbers are not. So if you don’t like the incongruent texture, (Optional) then blanch carrot noodles and they would soften. I like them this way, so I didn’t.

spiralized noodles, carrot. cucumber

Arrange the noodles all tangled together and colorful on a plate. Slowly add your thick sauce on it. Garnish with roasted peanuts, crushed into small pieces. This is the best part for me! 🙂 Add some cilantro on the top (or not) – and DIG RIGHT IN!

Noodles in Peanut sauce

Heavenly and so filling!  Low calories, despite the peanut butter and the coconut milk.

Keep in mind: 

You could do this just with cucumber too. Be careful with with how thick/thin the sauce is, coz cukes are just so full of water, despite draining. :/

Mix the dressing/sauce just before you plan to eat. Standing it will make it watery at the bottom.

There you have it. Carrot-Cucumber Spiralizer noodles, Thai style and so easy to put together too. So what do you think? Like? Make it?  Let me know? Please and thank you 🙂

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