getting real

So we get this magazine called “Life Experience” a publication of Lifetime Fitness, a perk we enoy for being members awhile now. It’s not cheesy, boring or just packed with a bunch o to-do fitness rules, but offers horizons to expand in more ways than one. Truly quite an inspiring bunch of pages to read. This month has a snippet that seemed worthy to share and here it is verbatim:

When you feel upset about a relationship, notice the thoughts running through your head and write down the one that is the most disconcerting at that moment. For instance, “She/He hasn’t called me back; that means she doesn’t care about me

Now ask these questions

1. Is it true?
2. Can I absolutely know it’s true?
3. How do I react when I believe that thought?
4. Who or what would I be without that thought?

Next, turn the thought around and find three genuine examples of how each turnaround might be true.

In the above example, one turnaround might be:
She does care about me

Another might be
I don’t care about me

Be willing to challenge the thoughts that trouble you, and you’ll start finding more constructive courses of thought and action that serve you better.

reprinted from
I Need Your Love-Is That True? by Byron Katie.

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4 replies on “getting real”
  1. says: SK

    Good one Rads.
    Sometimes we, us women especially wallow in so much self pity, we dont realize what reality is.

  2. says: Ok

    See in my limited experience I have observed all this advice is excellent when you are normal. The moment you are at an extremity, emotionally, all this advice goes out of the window. Your gut reactions/instinct takes over.

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