good, bad and the ugly

2007’s been a mixed bag. Lots of good and as with good, comes the bad and the ugly.

  • Good that I found a perfect career match – one I enjoy, where I am liked and valued. Bad coz I have to drive a distance and that does have its stressful moments. 
  • Good that I lost the munchkin related 23 pounds. Worked a sweat at the gym and the dance floor. Have more to go, but these days I can actually look at naked me in the mirror without wincing. No bad to that!
  • Good that the husband and I have found each other again. In certain fun areas. Very good all the way.
  • Good that the daughter, son and munchkin have adjusted well to my leaving home. Bad that I miss not being home and they miss me still [despite it being a year] when they come home in the evenings.
  • Good that the daughter and I are becoming friends. Bad because everyone who calls, thinks she sounds like me on the phone. A very bad thing according to her! Apparently looking like me was hard enough.
  • Very bad that son and I are going through major traumatic moments at home. Good thing he still is a baby and I can hug our fights away.
  • Very good thing is that munchkin’s doing some pretty cool stuff and learning tons of new talents. Bad thing is she occasionally exhibits 3 going on 13 dialogs and behaviors. A little unsettling or hugely comical depending on my mood at that point.
  • Good that I found a kinship with a couple of cousins. Bad that the rest are tomato-truck bumpkins. Can’t condone laziness.
  • Good that I made a few really really good pals. Online translating to real. Three especially come to mind as they stood by me during the hour of need.  Extremely good stuff that is.
  • Bad that at least one of the pals I’d made has turned into a nemesis of sorts. Good thing I found out. Even better thing is I’ve learnt to say ‘Scr*w you’ and not miss a heartbeat saying it. Ugly is that the person is oblivious to what has been lost. Small mercies is the hope that the person may never know.
  • Good that I have found my self-esteem and my pride’s back exactly where it belongs. Bad that I let someone else control me for a short period. Even better that I respect myself even more.
  • Bad that I started the year with a betrayal -Nemesis V1 and ended it with another – Nemesis V2. Good that I have learnt to value my trust and not squander it away more than what I already have. Even better is that I have forgiven me and as a result am kinder to myself.
  • Bad that both nemeses thought they knew what was best for me. Good thing is that I’ve told each of them off. Even better is that the mind is free and sleep is as satisfying as a mango flavored rasmalai right after a spicy bhel. 
  • Good that for the sakes of the after-school programs that I believe in, volunteered my time, effort and pulled together teams going forth. Bad that despite having no vested interest, it is a thankless job. Especially bad since there’s always one over-zealous parent who kicks up a storm without lifting a pinkie. Good that I resigned. Reactions were reward enough.

Lessening un-necessary baggage, focusing on quality and improving life. That’s the mantra for 2008.

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19 replies on “good, bad and the ugly”
  1. Holy Schmoly! I can’t come up with a list like that even if I tried!

    –“Bad thing is she occasionally exhibits 3 going on 13 dialogs and behaviors. A little unsettling or hugely comical depending on my mood at that point.”


  2. says: Pavan

    loved the title and the ending line.. now that I think, maybe the heading could have been “good, bad, ugly and beautiful” to end on an optimistic note 🙂 (I know, you had the movie reference)

  3. says: rads

    Pavan: Thanks! I did want to add more positive, but it didn’t gel that well 😉

    BPSK: hehe, as in “fall of the tomato/turnip truck” – meaning naive and to a certain extent not pro-active, at least in the way I meant it. 🙂

    Terri: But of crse that will continue. If I remove that, half my posts will not exist.

    Prestid: hehe, of course you can. Just try it 🙂

  4. says: Praveen

    “Even better is that the mind is free and sleep is as satisfying as a mango flavored rasmalai right after a spicy bhel”


  5. says: Ps

    Congrats on the weigh loss.i KNOW how HARD it is.”Good that I have found my self-esteem and my pride’s back exactly where it belongs. Bad that I let someone else control me for a short period. Even better that I respect myself even more.” loved this line–could relate to it.

  6. says: rads

    CW: hushhh! You stating the obvious lady! 😉

    PS: Thank you!! Yes, it’s truly good for teh soul. 🙂

    Praveen: hehe, we bring everything down to the basics – Food 🙂

    SK: O, secret? – a good health scare?! 😀 As age creeps up, you want to lose the extra rolls and garbage 🙂
    Yes yes, I had a few good folks reply, and gmail’s fine for now 🙂

    Ferrari: So when are the European chocolates heading my way? 😛

    Baliga: Totally! 😀
    I deal with numbers and data 🙂

  7. says: lekhni

    Wow! You’ve certainly had an eventful year!
    One thing I can relate to – apparently, I sound exactly like my Mom on the phone too 🙂

  8. says: rads

    Lekhni: Looks like I did, didn’t I? hehe, we all eventually turn into our moms whether we like it or not! 🙂

    Praveen: haha, of course 🙂

  9. says: Shreya

    There was something so realistic about this post. Even though I don’t quite relate to the kids bit, it’s making me want to cry out and express myself. Actually, it makes me feel like myself. Real, flawed, but learning to fly 🙂

  10. says: rads

    Pilgrim: Yeah? hmm.. sadly, that’s all the drama that happened with me. Lemme see if I can evoke up some tragedy for ya 😛

    Shreya: You are right about the flawed and learning to fly. I always knew learning is a continuous process, but sometimes what I learn afresh shocks and amazes me too! 🙂

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