Week 2: 8 Week Summer Solstice Reboot

Week 2 and the beginning of easing into the 8 week summer solstice reboot - a mindful way of taking care of ourselves and our body

Hi there! Welcome to week 2 reboot of the 8-week summer solstice reboot? If you are here for the first time and have no clue what am talking about, please click the link above and read so you get an idea of what this is about. Helps with setting expectations.

If you are just seeing/reading this and would like to particpate,

Start Here At Week 1:

So, yay, you are off and I hope most of you have kept up with the very basic. I know, I got two emails saying, that is all? But yes, slow and steady wins the race ya? Patience ladies, patience!

Tasks For Week 2:

Task 1: Drink 3 liters of water a day. 

Yep, continue with this. This is a continued task, but it’s also a task that’s stressed twice. Can’t underestimate the importance of water in you, so keep that water going. I’ll do a post early next week on the challenges I face with drinking water. Read that and you’ll be thrilled that you are not me!

Task 2: Record Yourself

Yep, measure, weigh and record yourself.

This is a weekly thing and you shall measure and record yourself ONLY weekly. No peeking in between. I hope just that drinking water alone has made a difference 🙂

Task 3: Add 2 cups of Greens a day

So, you’ve been recording everything you’ve been eating and you, I hope have been eating yourself silly! 😉

Replace one meal of the day with salad. Plenty salad recipes out there, keep it simple is my philosophy, but whatever works for you. It’s simple to build a salad. Here’s how I do it.

  • 2 cups of green leafy vegetables (spinach or kale or lettuce)
  • 1 cup of any colorful vegetable (i love sweet peppers/carrots/broccoli)
  • 1 protein (beans/paneer/halloumi)
  • 1 fat – Cheese or Paneer and dressing – Use olive oil or coconut oil (heated) whisk with some vinegar/salt/pepper – basic vinaigrette and done!
  • 1 Crunch – use any nuts – roast them on low pan as you assemble this salad and they are the best part if you ask me (sunflower seeds/almonds/peanuts/walnuts/pecans)
  • Optional – fruits but use only Berries.

Done! It’s super easy when you break it down like so!

Task 4: Cook with Butter or Ghee or Coconut Oil.

This alone has made a world of difference! To my skin, to the efficient way I do things and basically has even brought some cholesterol down and my husband’s A1c has stabilized. Am not saying this is THE reason but it’s one of the reasons. Good fats are great! Just switch, blindly, you will love it and your tongue wont even know the difference!

Task 5: Multivitamin 

It’s important that you start taking this and daily. Attach this to your daily breakfast or lunch or before bed, so it becomes a habit. I was terrible until just a couple years ago :!


That is all! Simple huh?

That is all the tasks for you week 2. Today is Thursday (in the USA, and EST), you may start your week either today or Friday or over the weekend, but remember to keep it consistent every week.


If you’ve stumbled upon my blog and are wondering what on earth is KETO, this is a quick recap of what it is and what you can and cannot eat and where to get more detailed and scientific proof/explanations on the lifestyle.

Rekha of Reshkitchen asked me a bunch of questions on my blogger life and food and keto, and that’s a pretty quick summary of how and why I am on this low-carb path.

Instagram is a great place to follow for quick short recipes and lifestyle – It’s the bane of social media and our current times that many prefer to keep things short and easy and so that medium is preferred a lot. I try to blog as many recipes as I can, but my foods and recipes are so simple and easy that it feels a shame to even devote a whole blog post to it.

Hashtags that I use there

#VegKetoByRads – All recipes and food related

#RadsGetsFit – Just some body-related fitness and gym stuff

#Rads8WeekReboot – all the 8 weekly posts that will walk you through getting into Keto/Low-Carb lifestyle

so, YOLO 🙂

Good Luck on your Week 2 and I will see you next week! Contact me here or on Instagram and I’ll be happy to answer any questions from what I know.

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