Grappling With Concepts: Letting Go

Day 2: I forget who now, but someone wise enough, I must add, mentioned the relation of neurons, thinking and math. I believe it was a conversation that ran between parents and the incredible pressure on the present generation to learn and learn quickly and get ahead and stay in the rat race with respect to school and subjects.

The conversation is quite marked and vivid. It went along the lines of backing off and allowing the natural state of the human body do its thing. I believe when a concept is introduced, no matter the age or state of mind, it triggers a neuron to be born. So this tiny cell with all its bravado and pride sits there in glory. Complete and alive and well, ticking. Doesn’t do beyond being alive, and so it occupies its place in the brain, oblivious to everything else that is growing or dead around it. It sits there, quietly. Waiting. Waiting for an opportunity to grow. For the right environment and for the light to shine on it, and then it will grow and flourish and will bestow its grandness and enlightenment on the brain that’s held on to it through the whole time.

Edited later:

The lines in quotes – I stand corrected. Scroll down for the comment.

I guess I just used my writer’s creative freedom 🙂 


That’s how languages are learnt apparently.

That’s how a match concept is learnt I believe.

Neurons are born. They just don’t develop unless an age at which the conditions are ripe for its development happens.

Makes sense too when you think about it right?

So I projected that out to relationships and people and society, and I realize that we could probably apply it there too. For a concept to be accepted, internalized and to be acted upon, maybe one does the right environment, and what is right for me, may not be optimum for you, and vice versa. Maybe. Maybe that’s why some things just go beyond comprehension. Maybe that’s why some things will not make sense and why some will be oh so natural to me and not to you.


I agree with most of it. It makes perfect sense, the first part at least, and not necessarily that we are above it all, or them and that we are better, no, not that at all, its about them being buried in sand. Time matters, and how long they are buried and how they change while they are buried and how they are perceived by others from outside matters.

It’s a concept requires some thought and struggle depending on the frame of mind of the person struggling with.

Just like this one. 57f1f4435584826d428b491f3194b0b6

I am being told that there is reality and then there is reality. There is reality as we know it, some time ago, that isnt real anymore. Then there is Maya.

Concepts and why some can and will twist your brain into a knot, despite the wisdom of experience and knowing.

Fascinating, to say the least.

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6 replies on “Grappling With Concepts: Letting Go”
  1. says: B

    “I believe when a concept is introduced, no matter the age or state of mind, it triggers a neuron to be born. So this tiny cell with all its bravado and pride sits there in glory.” “That’s how languages are learnt apparently. That’s how a match concept is learnt I believe. Neurons are born. They just don’t develop unless an age at which the conditions are ripe for its development happens.”

    I just wanted to point out that these statements are not true at all. Learning strengthens the connectivity between existing neurons. It does not lead to new neurons being created. In fact, in most brain areas except two, neurons die every day, never to be replaced. We know very little about something as abstract as a ‘concept’ is learned and stored in the brain.

    Your blog enjoys wide readership and I just wanted to make sure no one was misled.

    1. says: rads

      Oh! Thanks for commenting, and I don’t know about the wide readership, but I myself could use the learning. Maybe we were mistaken or maybe I interpreted it wrong, my mind is a tangled mess right about now with what am going through, but thank you! Iit will be fixed above. 🙂

  2. says: Apar

    My mind is always a tangled mess!! 🙂 nice post rads. Don’t know about the science of neutrons etc. but do accept that my truth is not yours & vice versa. Think I wrote long back, it not walking a mile in another person’s shoes but walking the mile as them… That would help in understanding… Maybe!

    1. says: Apar

      Don’t even know if my comment makes any sense or has a decent correlation to the post !! That is how messed up things are 🙂

  3. says: salmadinani

    that gives me a lot of think about. Especially the last quote because there is much truth in it.

  4. says: Pink Chai

    Wow, this really hits close to home. I tend to get so caught up in this idea that someone is ‘mad at me’ that I don’t really think about it as not being about me at all. Excellent read, looking forward to checking out more of your writing!

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