i am so bored :(

it’s such a boring day

I came in early, walked into an empty office, settled in checked work mails, sent a couple just so folks know am in at the designated time, checked my personal and business mails, answered a few, called home checked on kids, called babysitter, confirmed a doctor’s appt, sent a paypal invoice, checked blog, replied to a few, read a few, had coffee, faxed a few really dumb un-necessary paperwork, chatted with the sweet yet a little lost Ashley, ate a peanut bar, chatted with andrea on the various shoes on sale, got some tips on a good massage place and a differential on what each kind of massage does to your body, how teh hell she stays looking like a college freshman when she is actually the motherof one and pushing 40!, did some work, pretended to do more work, made a few calls, snapped at one guy who acted all so presumptuous as to why I was calling, checked my kids mails, chatted with her friend, called k1 and told her to login so I could get rid of that nosy friend of hers, convinced one guy to accept a project [aha!] wished the new HR female heaps of congrats and scared her completely on her drive from harpers’ ferry to here, when in reality it isn’t so bad, ate some boring cabbage and rice [i cooked it so yea, it is bla] drank 2 glasses of water [yea, it’s part of my water diet] worked a bit, and then some more, then got bored, so had this huge discussion with my colleague on why the Southies are more inclined to do pujas than the Northies [yea, she’s one, and she scoffed and wrinkled her nose, and rolled her eyes on knowing that this Sunday was Ganesh Chaturthi!!! how dare she…] and then went out for a cup of tea, spoke to the Techy guy and bugged him on how our mails keep getting bumped back from on eof our major clients, wrote a few more mails, worked some more, and now am seriously wishing it’s 4.30 so i can get up and go.

30 more minutes, and I can run back home. yayy. ….and then more of this and a little of that and a dollopful of some more….

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7 replies on “i am so bored :(”
  1. says: madsies

    Wow you relaly write so well.
    Yea one of those days when u wish you can just move the clock by yourself!

    But coming to think of it you did do a lot on a not_so_productive_day 🙂

  2. says: rads

    madsies – u are being very nice. what do you want from me? ;-p

    ramya – yep, I was absolutely beat 😀

  3. says: Usha

    I cannot believe that a boring day can make for such an interesting post!One of those ironies of life huh?

  4. says: R.E.B.E.L

    wow.. tats how my work day is too.. 🙂

    I checked my mail, I checked my mail and then I checked my mail. Read a few blogs, called up all frnds for an update on the latest gossip, had coffee, had coffee, and then had coffee, slept at my desk, griped about how less I am paid, told all my teammates how much I like Jack Sparrow, and that is it.. Now leaving 😀

  5. says: rads

    usha – it’s all in the perception 🙂

    pratap – you too 🙂

    rebel – lol, glad to know am not alone!

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