Jackie Tury: Awakening The Arts

Today I introduce you to Jackie Tury, artist and social worker who found her calling in the creative arts while laying down in bed nursing a leg injury 8 years ago. From then to now, Jackie has gone on and not only learnt to paint and explore within the various mediums but she has also integrated her work in the social field and with a perfect marriage of the two, she has evolved into an artful awakening artist and teacher!

I met Jackie at a yoga retreat last year, and during the 2 hour session with her, I reflected, thought and chose my colors and cut and painted and glued and created a piece of work that was uniquely me and a reflection of my mind and its various layers. I did this with her asking questions, and leading me (and others) through the process.
Most definitely a very different kind of art class, I thought in my head as I held on it driving back.
Arguably, and not surprisingly, am not the only one who thought so!
..and with good reason, Jackie enjoys this process and you can tell how much by just visiting her home, which I did, and here is why I think she is wonderfully inspiring, different and has something that each of you will take away at the end of this post!

Jackie Tury:  Artful Awakenings: Check her blog out!

So Jackie, tell me about painting. That’s a lot of paintings I see around the house. Is this a hobby since childhood, did you go through lessons? How did painting come about?

Jackie chuckles: Nope, it’s something I picked up when I was having this “mid-life crisis”. I had a leg injury just as I turned 40 and I had to stay in bed. I took that time to look within me and see what made me happy and what I could do with the time I had. Painting cropped up, coz well, it helps having a husband who is also into arts! You can see it everywhere here!” 

I see that! The paintings and art pieces jump at me, like literally, 3-D pieces too? His work?
Yes! He does, and remarkably so. He is a strong support. These are his pieces. 

She points to a huge pianist-on-the-wall piece. Incredible wall art that one can most definitely not ignore as you walk into the room!

So tell me more about your “reflective” period as you recovered from that leg injury?

Ok, so I used that time to sit back, and really evaluate myself in a positive way. To think back, reflect and weigh in on what made me happy, and it really helped that I was forced to just sit down, and so my mind wasn’t occupied with the daily work, but more on myself. It was an “awakening”. I looked at that period as one where I went through personal growth. It was like clearing the fog and knowing where I wanted to go to make me happy and content. 

I think I know the feeling. It probably could also be due to the age the stage we are in our lives? Somehow when we allow it, things just seem to fall into place? When there’s a quiet within us, clarity floats in. 
So you went to some classes and learnt the basics of painting? 
Yes I did. It helped to go through a formal class, and it refined how I looked at paints. I was very happy and very gleefully kept painting and soon the house was flooded with my canvases and I was getting teased by the family. It was fun! I just kept painting, and then since the place was getting overwhelming, I started and with great difficulty accepted the idea that I could actually sell and did. A few pieces. 
It was hard. She added with a pause. That’s my biggest obstacle, how to sell or put a price on something as creative and hands-on as a painting. 

It is, and am beginning to believe that you are not the only woman who feels that way. Many say that. It’s an intrinsic block I suppose, one that we all need to make an effort to cross, and we will! 
How would you describe your paintings? I see them and they don’t just look like paintings, they seem more tangible than just paint dried on a canvas. Am I even asking that right? 
She laughs. I think my paintings are whimsical. That’s my style, most likely. I like to bring in things that mean something to me and add that in. A piece of cloth, paper, writing, jewel, sand, I work that into the painting, and make it an art work, it isn’t a painting anymore. 

How interesting! I noticed that, definitely piques interest and makes it very personal? 
I’d like to think so. For folks who have worked with me and when I walk them through their art piece, they each create a unique piece that speaks to them in a way that is both therapeutic and cathartic. That’s how I originally started this program called Mother Nurture. 

Mother Nurture? Like an art class? 

Yes, and No. As in, it is a program that I developed with my Social work background. It was after I discovered how much healing I got from painting, and I felt the need and also realized that there were others who could and would benefit from this, and so I decided to spread that joy. That’s how Mother Nurture was founded. I was already working with a few professionals and therapists because of my work in that area, so I added in this element of using the paint medium to make for healing and growth. It worked great, truly was an awakening. So, each week it was about a different emotion/feeling/discovery we worked on. Positive and uplifting was the goal. To rediscover parts of you through arts. 

Wow! That must have been so gratifying! 
Yes it was an
d I loved that there are enough folks who actually benefit from it. That’s when I got more confident and realized that I, perhaps had something of use to give to people out there, and that there was a need for such therapy and finding oneself through painting and art! 
We had moved homes then and I went back to work, so things were a bit on the back burner and I took my time, and started again after a few months, and basically exploded! I realized I had the space (at home) and I had the talent, and I knew a few girlfriends were interested, so I told myself, “It’s now or never, so let me go run classes and just have fun!
Walking through Jackie’s very cozy brightly lit walk out basement art room, I cannot help smile at the whimsy and the creative air I am wrapped in. Tidy and organized, the stringed lights, the mirrors on the walls, the old comfy couch all together bring comfort and a quiet. Precisely the environment someone would want to go take a trip deep into themselves, an atmosphere that nurtures. 
Which is what Jackie encourages. 
The whole thing came to a full circle when Jackie put the Mother Nurture program and the arts together and it was a fresh new perspective that people loved! They were creating something so unique and personal and no two paintings from the same class looked alike

Fantastic, isn’t it great when you can visualize the birth of an idea? I can positively see you glow when you talk about your baby! Tell me how the growth was and are you happy with where you are? 
Jackie laughs: It brings me such joy to talk about painting! Painting is of course different from selling your paints which is also different from teaching painting, as I discovered. Each requires a different way of thinking and chartering and that is hard and takes effort. But I suppose when you love what you do, things have a way of falling into place. I started teaching slowly, and I love my monthly classes at home, and there is a good turnout and am happy with that. One day I eventually hope to bring out a book putting all the learning together.

What was your biggest hurdle or challenge you face on a daily basis, that intrudes into your painting and what you want to do? Made any sacrifices or things that you feel guilty or bad about?

Well, my husband is a huge support to me and I am thankful for him. Has helped that he is also into arts and he understands that this makes me happy and so he takes care of our girls when I have to be elsewhere. For instance, when I had my first art show, my husband could not be there, an that was hard, but that’s the way it had to be. So was the time when my daughter had a fall and her nose hurt and I was not in town but at a retreat doing my art class. So yes, it’s a constant juggle, but I think it helps prioritizing and having a supportive partner who can stand in for you. 

How do you stay motivated? It is easy to get bogged down by routine.

As far as arts is concerned, I don’t need extremal motivation. I get my ideas from surrounding myself with nature, seeing new things, taking pictures etc. I am addicted to painting, and I get antsy if I don’t, so that’s good. But, as a businesswoman, that part requires work. Jackie chuckles. I have to work on that part, as that doesn’t come naturally. Trying to streamline most of it, so I don’t have to consciously do it all! 
Since money is such an icky subject, it has helped that I set up an online payment, so I don’t have very many cancellations, and also that money and payments are taken care of without addressing it consciously. Many women are juggling roles, that it is hard for them to take 3 hours for themselves! 

What are the three things that describe your work?

1. Therapeutic. 
2. Artist growth 
3. The process is larger than the product. 

These are power wish paintings that my clients create in the three hours they spend with me. 


If there is one thing that you take away from Jackie, it is that we find ourselves at the most unexpected time and mostly when we are not looking. It is never late to start and if there is even a hint of a fire burning within you, you owe it to yourself to run with it. 

Liked this post? Hit next and read about the other ladies Ive spoken with. There’s something to glean from every one of them. I promise. 🙂

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