my January

looks like this:

Heck, this looks like a mini version of how my 2010’s going to look. Didn’t think one could foresee futures without a real crystal ball, but I like what I see!

Happy Pongal and Sankranthi everyone!

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16 replies on “my January”
  1. says: M

    Huh – I noticed the Golu thingy and as well, and thought about the implication of a golu-in-January as well!
    Happy Sankranthi!

  2. says: rads

    Buddy, M: Telugus put “golu” during Pongal time. Apart from making us feel special, it helps not fighting for time during Navratri when the Tamils are displaying theirs 😉

  3. says: My3

    “Resignation” “Dentist” “Body Shaping”.
    Rads! What is this I am looking at?????? Please get rid of ALL negative words 😉

    May your pot overflow with happiness and contentment this year. Happy Makara Sankranti

  4. am i the only one who skimmed for the word “belly-dance”,any others,please say “yes”.

    Rads, i am just making sure that you didn’t miss anything !…

    Oh, now i am curious about the “scripted words”.Happy Pongal

  5. says: rads

    Justaroundme: You’re good!
    Scripted words – words that are scripted for various reasons, including, for articles, being politically correct, and while thinking bad but saying good ? 😉

    Naren: You too! 🙂

    My3 dear, I worry my pot will overflow more than it should. It’s only 2 weeks into the new year 🙂
    Tomorrow’s the dentist appointment and this guy doesn’t even look remotely resemble the Greek God my earlier one looked like 😐

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