new avenues

So I took the plunge and asked a friend if she and her beau wanted to be photographed. They are getting married next month and it’s always fun taking pictures of people in love. Or kids scampering. Rest are done just to show off the new camera, I assure you.

She took a giant leap of faith and said Yes.

So we did.

She smiled and they got cozy on Sunday morning and I clicked. LOVE DC for what it offers and I know I haven’t seen even a teeny part of it yet – from the camera angle I mean. Lots more to write on how I felt and what I learned of course, coz it most definitely was a learning experience, and I have ways to go, but the rush and thrill of taking pictures can only be augmented by going home and pouring over them and agonizing on how best to showcase the favorites and make the most of the not-so-favorites.

So yes, ladies and gentlemen, I may be far from where the rest stand, but am very firmly planted on that path and am happy to see me there.

Obviously, now that I have bragged enough, here are a few from that morning.

Flickr set


On that note, after putting myself through some very agonizing dilemma and forcing myself to eat my words on balking at the thought of different profiles on facebook (it’s the monster that’s here to stay in different forms), I created a page for the blog. Whether the page garners potential and may or may not have a goal in mind (except for doing the best in what I do) I had to concede that this was done for keeping the worlds as apart as I can manage. More for the ones who are dear to me than for my own sakes. It just seemed like the right thing to do brimming with indignant and righteous common sense.

Of course nothing comes easy for me in life, even a joyride on a carousel has its karma-induced moments, ones I gasp through, so Facebook was no less. The creating of the page and the loops I jumped through is a post in itself.

Why like, not profile, coz well, like just is more fun. What on earth am I going to do having to maintain different profiles.. write the same thing? coz am not trying to establish two different personalities, just demarcating for the purpose of privacy. Another huge beast we have to deal with and feed and occasionally slap it.

Why Like again? Coz your privacy is ensured, that’s why. I learnt that the hard way. We become friends, and you don’t care for me knowing about you then you will have to add me into this special group who are not the privileged inner circle. No worries, and I say that as a matter of fact. We all like our inner circles and are very guarded in whom we let in. With this Like page, I don’t get to peek at you, and we can keep it just restricted to blogs, writings and everything else in between, like my goofball tendencies and the beads I am crazily beading these days and also the pictures! Sounds reasonable right?

I had a whole post written down on what I thought about it back in 07 when people were getting on it and how I reacted and how I am forced to change my position coz it just seemed sensible, and now when I go back and read it, it sounds like a thesis/lecture on social media and my take. Not good.

Keeping it simple is what the goal is.

So, if you’d like, this is my the page I recently created. Would be nice to see some familiar nicks there, if you care that is.

Tunneling Thru’

Don’t get why the “fans” haven’t changed to “likes” yet, and it’s making me want to dig a hole and jump in, so it’s best that I now leave.

Moreover, I have lots of useless things to complete, ones that aim to only sap your precious energy so one feels “accomplished” on this earth.

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14 replies on “new avenues”
    1. says: rads

      yo! I am done and I think once is enough for a long time to come! :p

      I know what you mean, it’s a long way to go – weddings are as nice as they are chaotic.

  1. says: mlc

    nice pix .. but why do all of them hv a caption? i thnk pix need to speak fr thmselves and yrs def do!! so if u ask me .. skip the captions nxt time .. jst let yr wondrfl photos speak! 🙂

    1. says: rads

      Hey mlc, you talking about the Facebook captions? hmm.. good point and I agree about pics speaking for themselves, just that I can’t seem to resist writing and putting my own spin on them 😀

  2. says: mlc

    yeah .. i went to the facebk thingy.. sure can u/stnd tht u want to gv yr spin abt a pix .. but if u gv it, thn the viewr’s mind only thnks of it in tht angle.. wheras if u don’t, the mind thnks of a 100 things abt tht pix, no? but u really hv a ‘creatv’ side .. if the purushan & i want to do a nice photo session, i know who to call:-)

    1. says: rads

      You are right and I agree, flickr I let it be, facebook and my other blog, I want to see what I come up with. It hasn’t been going that great, and I think am in a ditch wrt writing, but am trying. 🙂

      Not a problem, anytime you in the DC area, holler!

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