slice of heaven

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Yesterday a friend from my dance group sent us a Youtube video...
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16 replies on “slice of heaven”
  1. says: Ok

    Hmmm listening to a song from “your times”, the 1970s huh? I guess this is what gen. gap is all about. I wouldnt be found dead listening to this song. And here you are proclaiming it to the whole world.

    Just kidding. Its a really nice song:).

  2. says: rads

    Ok – am a dinosaur :-p

    ….and watch what you say, coz of all the other dinos who visit here and causing a dino-trampede is not good for you ;-p

  3. says: Ok

    Hmmm.. thaks for the tip. Ill watch out for the stampede.

    And shouldnt you be giving those Belgian chocs to a kid. Hmmm which kid can you give those chocolates to? I am sure you wouldnt want to give it to your kid, cause its not `healthy’. I can at leas think of one more kid (around 22) you know who keeps `commenting’ on your blogs.

  4. says: rads

    That was real smooth! :p

    Belgian chocolates just melt in your mouth, unlike ones made out here. I doubt I’d be sharing any with anyone for no reasons but pure greed. 😉

  5. says: The Pilgrim

    Chandan sa Badan is a very nice song. The merits of a song extends beyond age and time.

    But ok is right, elders are required to be less greedy and give chocolates to youngsters!

  6. says: leoNYdas

    Fine Belgian chocolates! I just can’t thank my friend enough for introducing them to me.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. 🙂

  7. says: Dushti

    Can’t agree with your more 🙂
    My dad worked in Belgium for a while and boy, I sure miss the chocloates now !

  8. says: Munimma

    I am sure you don’t have to go too far for eye candy 😉

    That is a potent combo indeed.

    I saw Saraswathi chandra a few years back and that is one great movie, with beautiful songs.

  9. says: W H

    Just saw that you deleted a comment from your blog. Here is an extract from the net that you should know:

    7. User generated content: not all bloggers are aware of the fact that they do not own the comments that are posted on their blogs. Once a person publishes a comment on your blog he or she will be the copyright holder of it. You can solve this issue by having a “Terms of Service” section on your blog.

    For further information search for “12 U.S. Laws Bloggers Should Know” in google.

  10. says: rads

    aw shucks WH, you sure look out for me don’t you? 😉

    FYI – I published OK’s 1st comment, he then chose to delete it himself. If you read carefully, it says “This post has been removed by the author.” – author of the post.
    If I’d removed it, it would’ve said “This post has been removed by the administrator” – as in me, the blog owner.

    I solved that issue by moderating comments, what I don’t care to publish here for various reasons as personal or otherwise, I don’t publish at all. Helps everyone imho.

  11. says: W H

    Well this really gets funny.. There was a company that the US guys tried to sue cause they were allowing sharing of copyrighted media (in short they were making piracy simple)…
    These guys simply pointed out that they were not within the Geographical boundaries of the US, so US piracy laws didn’t apply to them. The scandanavian piracy laws, it seems, are rather lax.

    So, when I delete a comment from my blog, I don’t have to think twice, but you, being in the US of Ass, have to think and rethink before doing anything. 🙂

  12. says: rads

    well well, Internet laws don’t necessarily adhere to geographical boundaries sinply for the vastness of the entity in itself. I could really get into the laws but won’t as it’s huge a topic to cover in comments.

    To make light, it almost feels like you are the comment-police ;-p

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