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31 replies on “tada!”
  1. says: Madhu

    Beautiful!!! And most of all thoughtful 🙂
    Enjoy the day today and let it be lil bit more beautiful over the weekend 😉

  2. says: Pavan

    real or artificial? handmade? at home or office? these become inconsequential before the question: who gave them to you? 😛

    *nArayan, nArayan*

  3. says: rads

    Pavan: Narad muni, damage has been done, but can’t reveal the who so soon already now can I? 😉

    Madhu: Thanks! Sure we’ll see how much of what is possible between the overlapping schedules of tomorrow. 🙂

    Praveen: I’d like to think am creative but no, these flowers were made by Mother nature 😉

  4. Was this from that colleague you keep writing about? Or better still, your hubby.

    Btw, yeah, I am just hanging around this blog, not commenting much, but enjoying the regular entries. Cheers,

  5. says: rads

    dufus: been a while, but good to know you’re lurking, but you should make your presence felt too you know. 🙂
    Well, from neither. It was a nice surprise though 🙂

  6. Slow at first, too soon the years quickly fly
    Far beyond our short reach and fragile hold
    Just like the birds which polka dot the sky
    Then sit and laugh, while, like fools, we grow gold…

    With just their voice, they sing to show the way
    Living the high life, laughing and soaring,
    As we fret over mirrors wrinkled gray,
    Along with nonsense, judgments, and snoring

    So when your star rises again each year
    And you see those mockingbirds light nearby,
    Keep in mind they come not to taunt and jeer at
    They’re here in hopes this is the year you fly

    Happy Birthday!

  7. says: Praveen

    Its ur Birthday….? Hey many many happy returns of the day, may u have many many more 🙂 so what plans for the day?

  8. says: terri

    rads, it’s your birthday? You should have said so, instead of confusing us by posting pictures of flowers so close to Valentine’s Day. Hope you had/have a great birthday with no cooking involved.

  9. says: Pavan

    shoot! I was foretold and still.. my bad

    Many Happy returns of the day! and as you say, dont panic abt. ageing (or the pace of it) 😀

  10. says: rads

    Pavan: lol, Thanks! Panic is inevitable when you each my age. Lots of profound questions face you and the fact that you can answer none satisfactorily is reason enough to rush back into time 😉

    Shreya: It does dear. Thank you! 🙂

    Terri: It’s today Terri, and yes, so far I haven’t cooked a thing. As in pulling frozen stuff and warming isn’t cooking I hope. 🙂
    re flowers – It’s such a rare event that happens, when it does, I flaunt all I can!

    Praveen: Yes, thank you! Planning on eating cake till I go blue in the face 😀

  11. says: CW

    Belated birthday wishes, Rads!
    Now now, it’s high time you revealed the flower giver. Considering how the flowers seem to be looking at you (and make u wanna look at ’em) I’d say it’s from the Turk. Yeah?

  12. Friend Rads

    I am the original speed reader, the one who read Tolstoy’s War and Peace in 20 minutes and figured out it was about Russia. I did not realize until just now that it was your birthday, even though I read through all the comments. Mea culpa. Not that I believe in birthday wishes, unless accompanied by some form of legal tender. But let me take some time out from my busy schedule (playing chess on the internet, teaching elder son maths, yelling at younger son to stop playing football and finishing his homework and fervently hoping that wife returns home soon from saree shopping and restores sanity to the homestead) and wish you many happy returns.

  13. says: rads

    sb: Thank you! 🙂

    Dushti: You can’t ask an honest Abe such pertinent questions 😛

    Kid: Nice try! 😛

    Naren: hehe, Thanks! ..and as I said, am fast approaching the age where I’d rather people forgot than remembered! 🙂

    CW: lol. See, online’s one place where we can be what we aren’t in real. Not that am saying I sent myself the flowers 😉

    Silvara: They are aren’t they! I loved the colors. Esp since it’s all gray on the outside.

    All: who are itching to know who sent ’em – it was a friend. A lovely gesture and made my day. Not the Turk 🙂

    ..and definitely not the husband. The 1st phase of romance has passed, waiting for the 2nd end o the cycle to begin in say – oh, 20 years maybe?
    Needless to say he pitched in differently of course 😉

  14. says: shyam

    Gerberas – my favourite flowers! I hope they’re your fave flowers too! Dont know you and you dont know me but hope you had a wonderful birthday! 🙂

  15. says: rads

    Shyam: Thank you! They are my favorites actually, more than the boring predictable roses 🙂
    I do know you and have read your blog in the past, but to wish a person a happy day doesn’t need more of a pre-req than wanting to 🙂

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