Tag 1 – power of 3

Courtesy – artnavy
3 Smells I love:

1. Fresh Bread
2. New babies – actually more like up until they are toddlers esp after a bath. My own smelt so good this morning.
3. Smell of the mud in the 1st tropical shower – Madras, not here. 🙁
3 Smells I hate:

1. Skunk – but of course!
2. Strong cologne/perfume
3. Seafood/Seaweed

3 Jobs that I have had in my life:

1. Optometrist
2. Dance teacher/choreographer
3. Mom 🙂

3 Movies that I could watch over and over:
[more like my favs]

1. Clear and Present Danger – my 1st impressionable movie for diff reasons 2. Mouna Ragam
3. Any of Kamalhassan and AB Sr. movies [early ones]

3 Fond memories:

1. My 1st flight out to Brussels and thoroughly enjoying reading French.
2. My kids 1st day in this world. 🙂
3. 1st dance performance here

3 Jobs I would love to have:

1. Doctor – especially a diagnostician
2. Kick-ass cop/detective
3. Reformist of sorts

3 Things I like to do:

1. Dance
2. Watch TV un-interrupted
3. Soaking in new stuff – I come across anything new, I HAVE to google it out.

3 Of my favorite foods:

1. Black Forest Cake
2. Bhel puri
3. Guthhi vankaya koora [stuffed eggplant – andhra style] and gongura – t’s a tie 😉

3 Places I would like to be right now:

1. On vacation somewhere serene – alone
2. Home
3. Back in my childhood, where the heart is free and the mind is not stressed

3 Things that make me cry:

1. Helpless situations.
2. Poverty and child abuse
3. When my kids get recognized for all their hard work and sincerity.

I really wish I knew enough folks for me to tag, but just to get Madsies write something in her blog, I tag her!

Phew, yay! 1 tag down, 2 more to go….

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16 replies on “Tag 1 – power of 3”
  1. says: Twisted DNA

    Nice to know more about you.

    “1. Fresh Bread”
    Me too 🙂 That’s one of the reasons we bake our own bread.

    “1. Optometrist
    2. Dance teacher/choreographer “
    That’s an interesting combination 🙂

    It’s nice to know that you are a dancer. Bharatanatyam or Kuchipudi?

  2. says: Anonymous

    dance? dance?? 😛 u taught? oh and me too detest the smell of seafood… and hence i cant eat it as well. yuck.

  3. says: rads

    dna – baking bread was a lofty ideal for me, gave up soon with all that washing etc.
    ahem, so u assume it’s either this or that eh? what if I said “salsa” ;-p

    it’s kuchipudi 🙂

    archana – yea girl, I dance, and I’ve taught and still do on occasions.
    seaweed is really an acquired taste/smell.

  4. says: Appu

    guthivankaaya koora…mmm. thats a good favorite of mine too. brought back some interesting memories from my childhood.

  5. says: RandomThoughts

    Same pinch! Bhel & black forest ar my favourites too!
    Loved the answers to the “places you’d like to be in right now!”

    Enjoyed all your answers.


  6. says: rads

    rashmi – thanks 🙂 Honestly speaking, it’s like I really wish that a timetravel machine was a fact.

    appu – that was the whole idea. Trip down memory lane 🙂

    artnavy – yeah! well, something that Ive been doing since I was a kid.

    Gingko – you will get daramadi now! I dream big 😉

  7. says: Sayesha

    //3. Smell of the mud in the 1st tropical shower – Madras, not here. 🙁

    Yupp, it happens only in India 🙁

  8. says: Twisted DNA

    “what if I said “salsa” ;-p”
    Salsa is hot, in many senses 🙂 But really? Do you Salsa?

    AWESOME! I love kuchipudi much more than Bharatanatyam.

  9. says: rads

    sayesha – miss it like crazy! Tropical rains are out of this world!

    Shilpa 🙂 *madsises wrote, finally. yayy!*

    dna – haha, yes, as a matter of fact I signed up for a few classes. whole lota fun, but nothing beats kuchipudi 😀 *blatant pride*

    Inder – mouna ragam was a movie that set some records. Every girl dreamt to get married to a guy like Mohan’s character, and were hoping to madly fall in love with Karthik’s character. me included! :))

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