two thursdays and a month mark your calendars if you so wish.

(This is a sticky post, please scroll down for recent posts.)

1. October – National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

For the past 2 years I’ve recognized October to be National Breast Cancer Awareness month on this blog. My first brush with it is in this post.

This year, I figured it would be nice to actually write about or interview a person who has had to face this scare, either personally or through a close friend or family. In fact, why don’t we make it a community event, similar to the pink forum here? Am naming this drive : Pink Champs.

Tell us a story, in any form. Interview, retell, draw, make a video, load a song, poem, a haiku, a poster, anything, whatever strikes your creative edge to get the idea across. Come back here to the page and leave me a link in the comments or email me at kowthas02ATgmailDOTcom, and I’ll go ahead and add you to the collection. Tag the post “PinkChamps”, so it’s search-able and ultimately a comprehensive collection is created.

Praveen just sent me the link to this space, where there’s already some videos made on empowerment. Check it out!

The idea is to derive strength, and be a source of it, to spread cheer, encouragement and hope. This spans time, age and boundaries of any kind.

A person’s a qualified Pink Champ just by diagnosis alone.

Picture 8

Please be aware of the person’s sensitivity and respect their privacy and wishes if they do not want to go any further into it.

I should get down to it by the 20th or so myself.

2. October – NaBloWriMo

I blogged every day of October last year, and it was quite exciting, not to forget how proud I was that I didn’t repeat myself too much or just write for the heck of it. Then again, I had my knee problems to make fun of back then I think. I still can, nothing seems to have changed! In any case, am actually very drained this time around. There’s just a lot on my plate and I doubt I have the enthusiasm or time to make a decent post but I do know I have a lot on my mind. How many of those will escape as words is anyone’s guess, but am gonna give it a try. I have a few drafts sitting since early this year and hopefully they’ll see the light of the day.

Maybe I’ll take weekends off, since weekends are busier than weekdays and moreover, am not at work and work is where we blog 🙂

Anyone want to try? It’s quite the creative exercise I assure you. Helps cultivate potentially harmful habits like routine, discipline and well, mostly writing. You should at least try, that’s what great folks say.

3. Thursday October 15 – Blog Action Day: Climate Change

Last year folks wrote on poverty.

This year it’s about Climate Change. A topic close to my heart and the children as the last couple of years the focus has been awareness to how our environment is changing around us at incredible speeds. The older kids have had multiple projects in various subjects and activities and this is a topic that’s familiar. In December 06, there was an article that spurned me to think about a few of those issues and I’d jotted down a few things that we were doing as part of our going green venture. They are all related.

Check some of the ideas given (scroll down the page)

Would be nice if more folks join in and write at least about one single thing that would make a difference, or something that they have already done that’s helping towards a better cleaner future for the generations ahead of us.

If you don’t have a blog, feel free to say your bit in the comment space.

4. Thursday October 8th – The Very Hungry Caterpillar


Walmart and Jumpstart in an effort to highlight literacy have gotten together to create a record by having a large number of people, parents and/or kids read this popular and very lovely book on October 8th. Written by Eric Carle, this book has pleasured, taught and captivated children for the past 40 years. Yes, that’s right, 4 generations have had the opportunity to learn numbers, days of week, and names of fruits by reading this simple book.

More details on how to participate on your own or bring it to your local school, if you are a parent can be found here.

I will be reading along with munchkin on this blog.  (no idea how, but I have a week to figure out anyway.) If you’d like to read along, please hop over, and mark your presence, so I have a headcount. I’ll have a poll up, for all you shy lurking lilies.

If you have a blog, please spread the word. If you are inclined, spread the word anyhow, blog’s just one medium. Am no mommy blogger, and I doubt any of them read me, but am hoping someone from them’s aware of this. They have clout and they sure as hell can strum up some large numbers.

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10 replies on “two thursdays and a month”
  1. says: ajcl

    commendable effort.. point 4 looks interesting.. Im a mommy blogger sans the clout.. 🙂 but will do my bit.. i dont even live in the same continent as you do..but still want to be present with my son when u read along with munchkin

    1. says: rads

      heh, I really was kididng, but it is the truth in a way too 🙂

      Please do. I just got it from the library yesterday and it’s a good book 🙂

  2. says: maggie

    Pink Champs!…wow! you go girl!
    Would love to be a part of it…Am not too much of a blogger…if I come up with I just send it to you via email??

    You are inspiring! /* thumbs up! */

  3. says: maxdavinci

    you are a mommy, and you have a blog. Hence youa re a mommy blogger!
    what do you have against mommy bloggers and try so hard to distance yourself like they are a plague?

    I shall take this up with the akhila bharata mommy bloggers asso(AMBA) and you should be hearing soon from their spokesperson.

    arrey they are also human, they also have feelings, unka bhi ek dil hota hain.

    PS: thnx for reminding me abt BAD, done it last 2 yrs, will do this yr as well.

  4. I have to read so many posts here!! I’m an ok fan of Gandhiji. Probably my dad didn’t think he was quite the hero. Dunno. Or, maybe I should read more about him and then I could appreciate his value.

    About Oct, quite an eventful month for you eh? 🙂 And can I not read or did I miss it? What is it about mommy bloggers that Max is worried about?

    1. says: rads

      Max is just being his bratty self. Trying to create trouble, like I don’t have enough myself. See, now not a single lady has commented at all 😐

      I am no fan of any political hero either, but the man did have an impact on the country. Something’s gotta give 🙂

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