when life gets in the way:

Opened wordpress and saw this post and chuckled the next couple of minutes which led to some heavy duty nostalgia of the person that was me just 3-4 years ago.

I could relate to the title.
Indeed there were times when I felt annoyed and frustrated that I couldn’t just shut everything around me and just write. Be alone with my thoughts that poured, no,  gushed like the torrential tropical rains of south India.

There were times when I wished I could type faster. I did not learn to type, so even though I type fast enough, I don’t type the “right” way and my fingers, and so the forearm tire quick enough. Then there is the posture of how I hunch over my laptop!

But it is true.

Life is mostly what we have to do. What we sign up to do willingly but hesitatingly. The reality of being an adult is when you are able to suck it in and do and complete your responsibility of the roles that we play for others.

We all struggle, it is the rare person that embraces every chore, duty and drive that falls in their lap. Some just accept it quicker. They are malleable and maybe to an extent considerate towards others expectations of them. Then there are folks like me. Who will on occasion throw a fit and wish they could walk away into the sunset (alone) and need their peace and quiet and just linger there long after the world has given up.

Am being tad more harsh on me than I should, but that’s just me being my self-deprecating self.

Life does interfere when you want to do something very different from what you are supposed to. It’s teh balance that we struggle with.

Then there are the myriad practical ways in which we can do it all, and since our mind is a monkey that is forever evolving to do many things, this will be a work in progress. Never really seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Staying in one is boring.

For the brave, the uninitiated and the less fortunate. đŸ™‚


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2 replies on “when life gets in the way:”
  1. says: LG

    Yeah, I was there a couple of years ago too. Now my mantra is “Que sera sera”, and if you ignore the complacency of that thought, it is quite peaceful and I don’t feel the compulsive need now to record every burp, fa$% and sniff in my blog. In fact, I am completely mortified at the inane stuff I put out there during my youth in blogdom.

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