anyone yelpin’

This month’s Fortune Magazine had a couple of neat articles. One that I felt resembled our good ol grapevine system was Yelp.

Yelp is part social network, part localized review site – think Facebook meets Zagat – and it’s fast becoming the web’s gift to small business. A platform for ratings of anything with a postal address, Yelp offers the service industry new insight into what the chattering masses are saying

It’s like Craigslist for opinions. I liked the interface, and the reviews aren’t bad as in bi*ching or spiteful. It’s interactive for all the yuppies and suburbia alike. Considering the guys who started it are Jeremy Stoppelman and Russel Simmons who once had a good thing going in Paypal.

Entrepreneurs and their stories are fun and inspiring reads.

Just look at the reviews dear ol Minerva got! One of my fav desi restaurants. Knew the dude since he started it on a whim, as the dotcom bust left him to fend off creatively, and he’s smart, ambitious and has a wonderful support system. I really need to ask him to open one teeny place near where I work. The nearest I need to travel for good desi khana is 12 mts! 😐

I digress, check the site out, maybe you’d gain some after all 🙂

ps – to the girls – isn’t Stoppelman cute?!

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14 replies on “anyone yelpin’”
  1. says: the

    Frankly speaking, Minerva food, which I once used to adore has gone down the drains in terms of quality.But earlier too, the food was good but service is pathetic. I mean if it weren’t for some decent food, people would not go there.

  2. says: maverick

    hhmmm hope its defnitely more worth than just another social networking site.

    n u r craving for a desi khana place near to ur office? sure u like afternoon naps dont u? there’s india bistro right near the place i work, but i’d rather go to subway opposite to it in d afternoon.i dont want my boss to catch me sleeping 🙂

  3. says: rads

    maverick – doubt it’s just another social networking site. My opinion anyway.

    yess, a Friday lunch would work! It’s more for everyone else who craves it than me. Keep eating Italian and subs all time, the tongue dies a fast death soon, for me 🙂

  4. says: Dushti

    Have been to the Minerva in Atlanta. But I should say, the food there comes no where close to some restaurants here in the Bay area. California rocks 🙂

  5. says: Anonymous


    for what it is worth, the food in ca comes nowhere close to the food in india. india rocks! 😉

    – s.b.

    p.s. me in neither ca nor india 🙁

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