fll – yesss!

The daughter and her team walked home from the regional First Lego league competition that took place all day today, with the 1st place in Project Presentation and overall 3rd place in the Division 2 [Middle School level]!

I am so excited, I am typing so bad!! 

The school’s done extremely well and among the 4 different areas of participation

1. Project Presentation
2. Robot Design
3. Robot Performance
4.  Teamwork 
…they’ve aced among the top 3 slots this year!  Awesome!

The daughter’s team is a rookie team with robotics. None of the 7 kids have had any experience with robots, legos, or programming, and they’d put in lots of effort including the coach to reach today. The daughter had a substantial role in putting the performance together and am bursting with pride here with the maturity and responsibility she shows at the hour of need. To hear glowing reports from the coach does things to a mom’s ego. 🙂 
I’d earlier written briefly about the team here. They will be heading to Harrisonburg for the State competition early December. 

Reminds me of the excitement we went through while winning Odyssey last couple of years. While Odyssey is all about out-of-the-box thinking, First lego league is the other extreme to have to stick to rules and stretch limits within it. 
Half of this team were also part of Odyssey team and it was indeed a challenge initially for them to curb the wild thoughts and come through for this round, but they did it anyway.

Celebrations all around indeed!  

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13 replies on “fll – yesss!”
  1. says: bApHoMEt

    I know it might sound weird, but I kinda thought that she’d get it. A big congrats to daughter and momma for the success. So I guess a treat is at hand. Drown her in ice-cream for me. 🙂

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