
When I was a young teen, just like the rest of the teens I hung around with, learning about our future, beau included was the default topic for an otherwise boring afternoon. Anybody and everybody who could pretend to translate the lines on the palm, sound and look wise on rattling off Linda Goodman’s signs were hot in demand.

Then we grew up.

These days, along with the Saturday comics in Washington Post, I invariably quickly, out of habit, glance over Holiday Mathis’ few lines for me. Then I laugh, scoff, or roll my eyes, or even read out loud for the sheer ridiculousness of the day’s forecast, to the husband who’d only grunt a displeasure being disturbed from his own Business or Sports section.


Today’s forecast did make a bit o sense. Then I login to igoogle, and see a whole new forecast there, and then I login to Wash Post online, and I see one more there!

Holiday Mathis:
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’re impatient, and it works for you. Since you believe that you don’t have time to wait for opportunities to be handed to you, you get busy making things happen for you right now.
AQUARIUS January 20-February 18
It’s time for you to give up a little control over some aspect of your life. It could be anything from diet to work assignments, but if you show you can give, you should get more in return.

AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18
Your energy is not going to be easily integrated into anyone else’s today, so it’s not a very good idea for you to get involved with a lot of different people. You are feeling so strong and independent that you don’t want to compromise, and that could rub people the wrong way. But you have a vision that must be obeyed. This is a powerful phase for you, where you can put your ideas into action and start on those ambitious plans you’ve been formulating for so long.


All are weirdly sorta kinda in a way true (though the last one’s a hoot – strong, independent, and powerful indeed!).

What are the chances of that happening eh?!

On a grander scale, surely though, this is me:

but then again, I could be this too:

So, how are the charts treating you today?

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11 replies on “forecasts”
  1. says: lekhni

    I read Linda Goodman in high school/ college too.. isn’t it funny how the forecasts could apply to just about anyone? It’s a nice feeling to know that every person who has my sun sign is going to have the exact same day as me 😉

  2. says: Saagar

    If each person’s life was so accurately predicted, why would you even want to live a life that’s already unfolded to you…

  3. says: SK

    Hahaha! I subrscribed to once upon a time, havent read those emails for long.
    Today I read it.

    “Spend as much as you want (well, only as much as you can afford, actually) on that big-ticket item, because extravagance is almost a necessity today! Your splurge should pay emotional dividends. ”
    LOL! Like spending will reduce my pain?!

  4. says: rads

    SK:The big ticket item could very well be a flight back home 😉

    Saagar: Sometimes predictability and constancy helps a lot in life. Not that am saying Astrology is where we turn to.. 🙂

    Hehe, I am liking the new monster icons 😀

  5. Lol, you should have added the forecasts from the Indian newspapers as well, to see if there is any difference in the forecast because of geography.

    Well, since I am such a helpful guy, here you go:
    “Times of India – May 11, 2008
    Daily Astrological Forecasts by Pt Kewal Anand Joshi

    In partnerships and joint ventures, you should endeavour to have major share and active participation in the actual working of the organisation.

    Tip of the day : Fix some program with your friends to make it an exciting day.”


  6. says: Giridhar

    mmhm probably the stars might not tell you everything we want to know. But some sort of truth could be hidden in it. 😉 They are good in finding out the traits but not predicting the future.

    I generally go through these stuff with friends in T Kadai bench behind office and we read out loud each others fortune and laugh out loud.

    And check out scorpio’s bad traits in the site where u took that last picture. 90% true for me!!!

  7. says: rads

    Giridhar: It’s a whole load of fun, major pastime no? 🙂

    Baph: That’s true. But see, sex is far from predictable. Really. Everything else is fair game for at least a 50-50 possibility.

    BPSK: May 11 in India is May 10th here right? This pandit IS awesome! I had a smashingly fun evening after such a long time! Laughed and danced a whole lot. Am so tired, I am taking Monday off just to recover! 🙂

    Adithya: You actually read Linda Goodman? :O *shocked*

  8. You know what’s freaky though? My facebook fortune ALWAYS ALWAYS has been true.
    My mum asked me if i checked Linda Goodman for virgo-pisces combinations, apparently she trusts Ms.Goodman a lot more than her own daughter’s instincts. 😐

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