Spirit : Mindfulness

happy deepavali 07


So with a lot of confusion on when the day is, we at home have finally decided that we would celebrate Deepavali at home…

les petites histoires


My last potpourri’s comments section is the inspiration to this post. It is long, and you have been warned. 🙂 *** 11 little stories….

barter over lunch?


While having lunch yesterday after we exhausted movies, shopping, food, conversation drifted towards vacations, places we’d like to visit and/or move to. The Polish…




Wrote 3 varied sorts of drafts on how I’d capture the day in words and each sounded fake, hollow, sensitive, wimpy, braggy, thumping-chest comme Tarzan-ish…

on losses and setbacks


Okay, didn’t mean to make it sound like the Wallstreet fundus, but since I got 11 [7 emails, 2 on chat, and 2 comments]…

tag 5


A muser tagged me to list 5 quirks of mine. Now, that’s hard to do considering am perfect. Perfectly quirky in so many ways,…

a wedding and a toast


Since I have been harping non-stop on this friend’s wedding and the pre-wedding events for some time to come, figured I’d go ahead and…