Spirit : Mindfulness

men have such huge


egos 🙂 The only man I knew growing up was my dad. He was and is a very fine sweet man, one who believed…

good Lord!


Every now and then as I type I’ve noticed the switching of letters in words. Ive casually dismissed it as my hurried enthusiasm in…




UPDATE – March 27th 2007 Usually Washington Post is right up there being witty on current issues and it’s no surprise that they’ve caught…

improving life?


Not too original a post but came across this article on this week’s US News. It’s a list of 50 different ways to make…

2 – 100 words


“Babu, I am staying at the Crown Suites near the temple” the old man announced on his shiny new phone.  “Again?” asked the youngest…

request for help

request for help


Anyone have a Nokia Phone. A used one? ok, how about a charger for it? Is it lying around somewhere in a corner gathering…

questions & questions


Today’s not been so good. Mom called early morning to tell me that Dad’s got the pink eye, and the left eye was worse…

what’s in a name?


Ive always wondered on the impact of names on our lives. It’s the one thing that we own, literally and completely, but for all…