in the mood

for some Wonder 🙂 My favorite up until Salman Khan messed it up a bit for me. But Stevie still reigns!


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7 replies on “in the mood”
  1. says: Archana

    I like “I just called to say I love you” too :-). MPK did not have Salman Khan dancing in the hindi version of the song – else I might have liked it better 😛 (Salman looked SOOOOO cute in MPK).

  2. says: pavan kumar

    I guess Ram-Laxman are to be blamed more (and the music label that facilitated their purchase of the CDs).. thanks for the retro spin 🙂

  3. says: A Muser

    Does anyone remember actually seeing this video years ago when we were kids in India in some show called “Top of the Pops”? I loved this song then. Still do.

  4. says: rads

    archana, dushti – actually now thatI think about it – spb’s voice and Salman were quite nice, but still original is original right?!
    SK did look cute in MPK 🙂

    Pavan – nothing like a retro trip top soothe nerves 🙂

    Muser – now that’s a wonderful trip down memory lane. Unfortunately couldn’t watch it as freely and regularly as the rest of my friends could. Parents! 🙁

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