Mindfulness Series W/Rads: Mindful Eating Workshop

Mindful Eating Workshop

Mindful Eating Workshop is simply bringing the best of both, Mindfulness and Eating well.

Eating and what we eat has become such an integral part of our everyday conscious. From the time we wake up to when we sleep, food is what drives us, makes us and nourishes us. More recently, the explosion of our woke-ness has made us sit up and pay attention to food, and not just for its satiety, but more as breakdown of the different parts that form the whole in the grander cycle of nature.

Mindfulness is simply the act of knowing what you are doing, and being completely present

I have been on this journey and my instagram page is full of reminders and being cognizant of all what we put in our body. Bringing both these mind blowing concept together is fun enough and when we have a bird’s eye view and a sharp view at that of how it all fits in, it’s rewarding. Once we know, it’s hard to un-know it, and thereby giving us the edge and desire to make better choices so as to reap its benefits.


  • Quick introduction to Mindfulness in relation to being the producer of food.
  • Mind-Body connection
  • Benefits in eating/food prep
  • Learning about food groups
  • Recognizing real hunger (or emotions)
  • Best practices during preparation
  • Best practices during consumption
  • BONUS: Affirmation Poster
  • BONUS: Checklist & Reminders

The workshop will NOT cover: Menu planning, going into macros in-depth, or special dietary needs.

Details of the ONE HOUR Mindful Eating workshop:

  • WHEN: April 10th Saturday: 10:00 AM EST (7.30 PM IST)
  • WHERE: Zoom call. Link will be sent via email after registration
  • COST: $20 USD ( Or INR 750)
  • The workshop will be recorded and you may access it up till 6 months.
Mindful Eating Workshop

**If you are from India, please send me an email: rads.kowthasATgmail.com, and bank details will be provided**

Paypal users, please use link below: (If you would rather use ZELLE, then just email me for details)

Once you have sent in your payment, please wait for 24 hours before you receive confirmation and instructions. Thank you.

Check other webinars/workshops I conduct here.

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One reply on “Mindfulness Series W/Rads: Mindful Eating Workshop”
  1. says: John

    Meditation is one of the easiest ways of gaining clarity in our thoughts. It helps us to find peace and happiness inside.

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