more feasting

Tuesday’s opened up more avenues than one can imagine.

Score tally:

rads – 5

rest of the world – 0

  • 8.32 am: Open up inbox to find that the esteemed grand lady of the mountains has condescendingly and grudgingly accepted the fact that the ‘poor technical’ folks aka ME can manage to put together a document in all the legalese-there-is-in-the-world-jargon after all. Aha!
  • 8.34 am: Discover an understated “enjoy sweets from Turkey” email from the Turk, who is back!  After enough joy has been exhibited by smiling and grinning at the mail, decided to write back a welcome note. Immediately reciprocated by a “Thanks” from him. The reply jolted me in its speed. Nice! ..and then there was a smiley too. Makes me wonder if it is okay to send smileys in official mail? The only one who does and who drives us up all the cube walls is the admin who still thinks she is in high school and is mailing all her facebook buddies.
  • 8.45 am: Saunter into the kitchen for a cup o hazelnut coffee and discover the goodies.  A huge box of these twisty twirly vermicelli wrapped juicy succulent green thingies. Brings back images of the jungle. Woods. Twigs and bark all twisted together in sweet almond sauce with powdered pistachio clinging onto it. *sigh . Google tells  me it is called Kataifi’ and not Baklava as the other desi girl is lecturing away to all who stood crooning over the box, like it was a baby left near the coffee pot!



  • 9.20 am: The Turk pays me a visit. I still am not sure if it was the rich taste of the Costa Rican coffee he held in his hand or his bronzen leaner face that made me go dizzy. The sun did the lad well, I must say.
  • 3.22 pm: Told the girl who’s been bothering since 2 weeks the heck outa me off. Yea, the shocked expression on her face was reward enough. Nope, no catfights. Just a polite you can go to hell, but this is the way am gonna do henceforth so deal with it ultimatum. Am getting good at this.
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8 replies on “more feasting”
  1. says: Pri

    ooh baklava is good!! this bosnian lady at my old job made excellent baklava. too bad they fired her. oh well she was a bitch.

  2. says: terri

    Ahem, I sense jealousy, drama, intrigue, sexual tension … all the makings of a good soap opera. I hope the hero doesn’t turn out to be gay.

  3. The old lady of the mountains should know that no one can beat desis when it comes to writing legalese (“to whomsoever it may concern”, “kindly”, “yours humbly” etc.). 😉

    I remember the Turk from the earlier email. You should email him to say “thanks for the twisty twirly vermicelli wrapped juicy succulent green thingies.” And then offer to buy him lunch as thanks. Or maybe at least a coffee. 😉

  4. says: Praveen

    Sorry for this post which is out of the topic here, u finished Bridget Jones’s Diary in 2 days? U must be a fast reader with all the activities in ur life 🙂

  5. says: rads

    Praveen: I used to chew books at a faster rate once upon a time. I am gteting back to them, trying to discover lost love and all that.
    BJD is hilarious and fantastic. This is my 2nd time reading it and of course I’ve watched the movie a few dozen times, twice fully, and the rest in clips and bits.
    Makes me laugh everytime 🙂

    BPSK: When there’s lunch, why coffee? 😉
    ..and btw those words are desi for “grovelling” 😛

    terri; Now you’re just being so jealous. :p
    If he’s gay then I surely am the Queen of England.

    Nandita: Yes! Before you accept an offer, scope out the statistics of country of origins from HR 🙂

    Pri: Baklava’s are heavy In taste and guilt. This twisty thing is light on all accounts. 😉

  6. says: Pavan

    now that he has sent an email, it eliminates the “I see dead people” angle I was working on.. but seriously, imagine if he stumbles upon this place.. that would be truly cinematic/soap-opera-ish 😀

    note to self: should reduce movie watching spree

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