On Strength And Stoicism

My Monday promise:

Life has a way to rock the boat that’s steady. Some are gentle, some rocky, but rock it does. Most of us succumb to them, and strengthen, steel or allow for some clinks in the armor. It’s only natural we protect who we are.
Most of the changes are expected to make us better human beings. The strength and the wisdom and the cautiousness with which we will allow to conduct ourselves in the future. There is a thin line between being strong or being harsh, between wisdom and cynicism, and between the shades of gray. The gray that gives us the clarity or the gray that dooms us.

Extenuating circumstances always bring the unfairness to light. To be at the receiving end of misfortune when you cannot answer the question “Why?” is a tough one to sleep on. You dig deep into your mind, into each crevice to wonder on the paybacks, the reasons on the Why.
When your logical brain cannot fathom and come up with an answer that seemingly satisfies, one tends to get cynical. To be angry. To lash out, to lose hope and to react in a way that leaves a bitter shadow on all things next.

To NOT allow that to happen requires tremendous faith and strength.

It’s easier to give up than to hold it together. It’s even more wondrous and a true measure of strength, when one can hold it together when everyone around you expects you to break down. 

I know of one woman who is exactly that.

There are am sure more, there cannot not be, but we can only talk about ones we encounter, and we are left to stare at them in awe and wonder and in a moment of complete un-abashed surrender, we may even pride ourselves of knowing such a fine woman.

A friend and confidante, I love her to the moon and back.
Curious? Read more here.
It’s personal and as raw as I can allow it without infringing on them.

from Blogger http://ift.tt/1uSdtHl

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