piranha quotes

Women: Don’t offer to rub the guy’s back. He doesn’t care. If you want your husband to rub your back, ask. If he refuses, you at least have the power to nag him till the very end.

Men: Take a hint! No woman wants to rub your back. Not even the wife. So if there’s an offer that sounds weird, strange, or too good to be true, look again. It’s a Trojan horse.


For all women who haven’t asked and gotten a back rub: What do you feed the man?

For all women who’ve asked and gotten a back rub: O shut up already!!

For all women who’ve asked and have been refused: Go to the spa and spend that $70. They do a better job anyway and you know the best part? The masseur does not expect fireworks after.


Pic Courtesy: sfgate

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12 replies on “piranha quotes”
  1. says: some body


    “Men: Take a hint! No woman wants to rub your back. Not even the wife. So if there’s an offer that sounds weird, strange, or too good to be true, look again. It’s a Trojan horse.”
    where is the hint? in the last sentence?

    “Go to the spa and spend that $70. … The masseur does not expect fireworks after. ”
    i’ll believe that only if you can account for that $70 better than the financial institutions can account for the “cds”s.

    on the other hand, if the masseur is a masseuse like terri’s mom’s, i believe ya without preconditions!

    – s.b.

  2. says: rads

    Broom: This is a nice surprise! Yes, that would probably be the ideal best thing to do. 😀

    sb: The hint was the whole cartoon! 😛

  3. says: maxdavinci

    The masseur does not expect fireworks after.

    ROFL ROFL…. But I wonder why women need back rubs foot rubs and all sort of rubs! It either means that you are not stayin fit or just inviting to get cozy!

    ps: ah I can see the comments flowin now…

  4. For women who have asked and didn’t get the rub, tell the man it costs $70 at the Spa, You will get the back rub immediately. But you will have to pay him atleast 50% of it to get his fav electronics.

  5. says: rads

    max: It’s the power of the ‘touch’! You baby, just wait 😛

    Dinesh: What if the man’s not a gadget freak? :p

    La Vida: What? No comment? No experience? No wisdom to share? Cmon, you got a man don’t you? 😛

  6. says: mlc

    if the guy knws fr a fact tt it’ll end up in ‘firewrks’ he wl oblige! and “usually” a good bckrub wl end up there:-p!

    “unaskd bck rubs” happen ONLY whn u’re depressed coz something sad happnd!!

    LOL abt yr commnt to women who claim tt they get one w/out askng!

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