stay (audio)

As always, am trying different things that catch my fancy, and no one including me knows how long any of these fancies last. But enjoy I have learnt, for as long as they last.

A repost of an older post, this time with audio.



Just a bit longer, stay
I want to kiss you once more

The night as a witness to our desire
Close your eyes,
Can you feel me?
Like I did just hours ago

In the silence of my darkness
Your breath as my beacon
I caress you with my fingertips

Just a bit longer
Make love to me once more

Brushing wavy tendrils away
Your stubble grazes my chin
A passion on a sway
Yet again
Your lips cradled in mine

In the crescendo of our heartbeats
Your voice as my refuge
I echo you with my eyes

Just a bit longer, stay
I want to kiss you once more

The night’s growing old
Dawn’s stealing quietly through
My spine feels a cold
Hold on, don’t let go

In the warmth of this raging amour
My dream as my anchor
I shut my eyes tight

As you must know
I wake with the dawn,
There you go.

Just a bit longer
Make love to me once more

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13 replies on “stay (audio)”
  1. says: Nikki

    Beautiful! And you reciting the poem made it only better. Just proves my belief that emotions are better conveyed through voice than words over distance. Hope to see more of this soon 🙂

    1. says: rads

      Thanks Nikki, been awhile since I've seen you. Am trying this out, not sure how long or what I'd do, but it's been a fun experience so far 🙂

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