the finesse, the achievers and me

Recently there have been too many news articles that I am enjoying reading. Of course it’s a sore point that I can’t seem to squeeze in time to do justice to all. It’s also perhaps because I like to read the paper verision, almost all the articles are available online, and occasionally I am forced to make do, but the pleasure of it is in the paper, the rustle of it, the reality of it.

Anyways, a few noteworthy ones:

Time: China’s Me generation.

Young Chinese are the drivers and chief beneficiaries of the country’s current boom: according to a recent survey by Credit Suisse First Boston, the incomes of 20- to 29-year-olds grew 34% in the past three years, by far the biggest of any age group

Perhaps a wee bit similar to our Indian generation back home now? As in the economy, boom, and free-flowing money all around, especially the lackadaisical attitude towards rulers and such.

Fortune: Fortune 500 Women Ceo’s

Dear Indra Nooyi is right up there. New choice Angela Braly will be Wellpoint. Considering she’s leading the country’s largest Medicare claims processing center, a bit of vested interest for me.

Money: Global Forum – Meet India’s new middle class – a Video.

Not hugely new to us, but makes for a nice viewing.

Working Mother: 100 best companies for Mommies

A part of me sulks that I never got throw some big names as I hobbled along a figment of a career, but then, being in a small company has its perks. Recognition comes in quicker, there’s growth as I see myself scale quicker that I’d have ever imagined. So what if I can’t work from home [actually I may not want it even, I mean seriously, undisciplined me would be blogging or shopping online than get any work done!] or the cute little perks that the big guns offer, this works and am happy. Relatively speaking of course!

Washington Post: The one that lights up your passion.

No, they aren’t talking about the hot guy in the cube next, or the girl who travels with you on the metro, but it’s the ultimate – JOB, or career path that makes you want to rush outa home the mornings, the one that gets you all tingly and makes you rub your hands in glee. How do you know that this is the one?

You will feel highly energized when you’ve found it. You will want to associate often with people in your field and consistently put in way more time than is needed to do your job. Work won’t feel like work.

Fortune: Look who’s worried now:

An interesting article on social-networking war thats brewing between Facebook and Google.

Information Security: This month has a couple of interesting ones, at least for me.

Surgical Insecurity:
Though HIPAA is big and most healthcare workers are governed by the rules for privacy, somewhere along the way the IT support at the companies that actually build the software slipped through and currently there are no regulations governing them.
The healthcare industry is going through a particularly scrutinising time as far as regulations and the issues governing them and there are some hard changes in the near future. Up until then, the EHR and PHI is all out there traveling virtually for anyone determined enough to grab.

Security 7 Award Winners:
CISSP certified Security Professionals, strategic thinkers par excellence, at the leading edge of their work in various industries. Finance, Healthcare, Retail, Defense and such.
Not only are they intelligent and smart, the camera loves them too!

IEEE Security and PrivacyPlagiarism, Education and IS:

A fair enough article on the prevalent blase attitude towards the act. It’s even discussed down to a Markov Chain model, so a science it is now. 🙂

The word plagiarism is like a slimy bug. Brings back horrors of a particularly trying 3 weeks while I wrapped up school. Nooo, just in case you wondering, I didnt plagiarize, just forgot a damned supercript on 1 of the 11 I’d referenced and so was slammed with a ‘source citation offence’ when the truant referenced citation source was sitting pretty at the end where it belonged. Anyways, long story short, after some convincing arguments with the TA and persuading the Prof, paper was redid in 48 hours. Redone as in completely. Couldn’t use any of the earlier material and so by the time I was done, inadvertently dreamt of the Brazilian E-Voting System for a few weeks after that, which by the way makes quite the nice reading. If you care.

New Hampshire Business review: Identity theft and healthcare industry

Driving home the point made earlier.

TIME – Global warming Survival Guide:

Makes you sit up and think. If not, at least the pictures look good! Wrote something along the same lines sometime last year here.

..and then there are the books. I need more time!

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11 replies on “the finesse, the achievers and me”
  1. says: Orchid

    Thanks for sharing…i might enjoy reading some of them:) and yes, tell me about needing more time…. I am no Hillary Clinton, but still I lack time !?!

  2. says: kutti

    i hv never been a news buff….. anyways, just to add on, Indra Nooyi jus bought a palacial residence in Poes Garden 😉 JJ n Rajnikanth hv some competition 🙂

  3. says: BPSK

    Wow, don’t tell me you get the hard copies of all these magazine. If I did, most of them would go straight to the trash, unfortunately. These days I end up reading most of it electronically, even though I like the feel of paper.

    Not sure if it marks us as being from a certain era. 😀 Sort of like the writers who scorned computers and swore by their typewriters, on which they pounded out their magnum opuses (opii?), two fingers at a time.


  4. says: bApHoMEt

    Thank you for all those links. For a person who is bored as hell (like me), you are a savior. Interesting reads.

    p.s. Er…you are a savior even when I am not bored. 🙂

  5. says: rads

    Zhu: Thank you! Sometimes I do kill myself too 😉

    Baph: 😀

    BPSK: oh, I dont care where folks box me, dinosaur, fossil, antique, I like paper, am gonna say I like paper 🙂
    Yes, we actually do subscribe to all of the above. Except for NHBR, that’s at work. There are a few more too, all of us are big on reading at home. Even the kids I mean.

    KC: Nice bit o news. Poes Garden’s getting crowded these days. Why would she buy there I wonder?

    Orchid: It’s the same 24 hours all of us have, only difference being how we use it, and how much or how little we want to pack in it 🙂

  6. says: CM-Chap

    Hey Cheers… My full time passion is to read magazines & articles.

    Speical Thanks for putting up the below 2, I havent read them before.

    Money: Global Forum
    Washington Post: Passion

  7. says: SK

    The article on women CEO’s does fill me with motivation to the brim… which empties as soon. :–(
    I am amazed how you manage to read all this, after work and house chores, cooking and kids and blogging. :–)

  8. says: rads

    SK: O cmon, paste those sheets up on your cube wall after the Halloween comes down!
    Oh please, just gotta pack it in. Everyone has the same hours. Just need to organize organize. You will do it too, just wait 🙂

    CM: Sure thing 🙂

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