ugadi 2012

naama samvatsara shubhakaankshalu

ugadi pachadi

Such a lovely name of the year? I love it. Especially when compared to the last two years. Such misfits those were.

So anyways, happy Hindu calendar new year to all Telugus, Kannadikas and Maharashtrians. I am sure there are a couple more communities, I’ve missed, but consider the above wish all-inclusive!

The picture above is from 2008. No, there is no need to drop your jaw in awe at my organization skills, WP saves all pictures for me, I just had to pilfer my own and use it! What can I say, am modest 🙂
BUT regardless of how old this is, I would have done the exact same thing this year too. Rather tomorrow morning as the new year dawns.

Our Cherry blossom tree is brimming with gorgeous baby pink flowers. The Ganesha has always been my favorite and my Pachchadi is always the same! So all is well.

This year is goingto be heavy on our heads and minds as we gear towards kids’ final years as high schoolers and as they (and us) gear ourselves as they prepare to leave home for college and as adults. We would all be floating between decisions big and small, stresses of various forms and shapes, of concern, of fear and of ambivalency on where we are headed.

Nothing any more new than other parents before us have experienced and the ones who follow us will go through. It’s a phase of life that we will have to cross with strength and faith. I have always believed that we are essentially made of grit and determination and integrity. We believe in ourselves and as much as circumstances and situations will sway us, eventually we will find our way back to what we are made of.

Humans have short memories of their capabilities and reserve of strength to carry themselves through. I am a human and I have more than forgotten my ability to achieve when i set my mind to do it. After the series of injuries and health issues of the past two years, I never dreamed that I would ever be able to get back to walking for periods of time, without having to look for a seat. I avoided the mall and travel. My body did, my mind yearned to push against it, until one day my mind kicked my body and here I am training and pushing myself to slowly reach small goals that I have set for myself.

I am very proud of myself today. I walked 2.30 miles. By myself. Through the woods, through inclines, through lonely empty roads, in a huge circuit and I brought me home in one piece without falling down or calling in for help. I didnt think i could do it. My knee did hurt, my quads pulled me through. More interestingly, I did not plan for it, but I cannot bring myself to pinpoint what was it that drove me on straighter on the path rather than to turn around.

It’s a small but definite step. I am not sitting complaining of foot pain or asking for a massage. Even January my feet hurt. They don’t anymore. I cannot be happier. Saturday I do the pi-miler of 3.14 miles. Till yesterday I was anxious if I’d be able to do it or not. Today I know I can do it. I may be slow, and I may stop and I may be the last one among all who race with me, but I *know* I will complete it.

THAT makes me very happy.

Onto a better year in health and wisdom. Wealth can wait for one more year.

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One reply on “ugadi 2012”
  1. says: Ms.Long

    Nandana Naama Samvatsara Subhakankshalu to your family too Rads! Ia gree with you. it is such a beautiful name. makes me want to say it over and ove again. I have been repeating the same pharse from above to every Telugu I am wishing(instead of the usual happy Ugadi, or Ugadi Subhakankshalu). the name sending such positive vibes, this year am sure is going to be superb! Have a wonderful year ahead and a great weekend.

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