


after ages, I got my hands on a Limca at a friends’ and it was such nostalgia! Even munchkin liked it. Called it a…

Sari For Education

Sari For Education


#SariForEducation  Hashtag supported fundraiser by women who love wearing the sari. Shooting off of the #100sareepact, this is an initiative to help and empower and…

My Personal Style

My Personal Style


A win! **** This post is being written as part of the Women’s Web – Trishla eMart ‘A Style of My Own!’ campaign. Personal…

a tribute to stoicism


I had a whole different post scheduled to go up today. But things change, as life usually does, and I, in my reflexive need…

The Newsletter


So this new project that I had conceived over the last couple of months has finally taken off. It took a good concentrated 2…