120/144 days

I have 120 days or 3 months and 29 days left for the big May 28th run.

So am back at the gym, and I must say am liking it, despite running around in circles for a parking spot at a 24 hour open gym! It’s that crowded and extremely motivating I must say.

Tht combined with the number of “older” Asians that pretty much make a living at the place. I mean, why not? You walk in, Hve clean lockers, you swim, sit in the steam room or spa, shower, have asmoothie at the bar, then get your nails done, go upstairs and bike for a while, attend a zumba class, stretch, swim and shower and grab a healthy sandwich and make it in time home for sleep. No?

Despite the tone, I meant it in all seriousness when I said it’s motivating. The determination and the perseverance. Got to learn it from them.

So here we go:


  • Monday -No gym, but I did walk the dog round the neighborhood.
  • Tuesday – Dry Sauna (they had it at 180 degrees, and I was oblivious till about 10 minutes when I started hyperventilating on what the heck was wrong with me!) Stretched well. I love this part. Helps my sore muscles elongate. Biked for 20 minutes on the Fat burn cycle. (am so engrossed in this book – The immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks – a must for all science freaks)
  • Yoga on Wednesdays continues to be awesome. I dragged in a friend and she loved it too! That was heartening!
  • Thursday – Dry sauna and fat burn cycle for 20 minutes.
  • Friday – Dry sauna. Tried this new Aqua Fitness class. I *loved* it. I personally think, regardless of joints, swimmer or not, every single one of you must go stand in 4 feet of water and spend an hour doing a combo of zumba-kick-boxing-step-aerobics-weights. I was probably the only one who wasn’t menopausal. Everyone there called me “honey” and “dear” and were sweet older ladies with lines. But, that doesn’t mean much when it came to how they exercised with gusto and laughter. The husband teased me of joining geriatrics, but honestly, since when did age matter. I’ve known 50 year olds with a disposition of a young adult and I *know* a few young adults who could be 40 and above in their head. The instructor was sweating doing the moves outside of the pool! Go figure.
  • Loved aqua fitness, and February will see me jump into the pool at least twice a week.
  • Usual chores over the weekend, no spa/gym/walk,nothing, except some mild stretches.


  • Breakfast, milk and multivitamin.
  • Ate rice just thrice, so Yay?
  • Smoothies. Fruits. Blendtec.

Thought for the week:

I love to exercise, but I still have to laugh at it.  You go to the health club, you see all these people and they’re working out; they’re training, they’re getting in shape.  But nobody’s really getting in shape for anything.   In modern society, you really don’t have to be physically strong to do anything.  The only reason that you’re getting in shape is so you can get through the workout.  So we’re working out, so that we’ll be in shape, for when we have to do our exercises.  That’s comedy. — Jerry Seinfeld


Jokes aside:
What’s your excuse?


It’s been a good gym week. Am beginning to warm up to the gym and making a schedule. It is also a great place to people-watch, which helps me when am sketching imaginary characters for the book I probably will never publish. As they say, the journey is more interesting that the destination. Ive always believed in it, and this venture of mine is no different.

I now believe I can do the 5K most definitely. Not run but walk. I don’t think I can run and keep my knee healthy to live the next 30 years of my life stress-free. Not yet at least. I believe that I will be able to do the 5K in March for this PiMiler at my son’s school. It will give me the boost I need to do the final 10K on Memorial day weekend.

Maybe the next time I am sitting in line twiddling my thumbs to pick up the boy(s) I’ll go on ahead and walk the streets!

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4 replies on “120/144 days”
  1. says: My3

    Pedicure? Girl, I am so moving to your part of town! I signed up for a free aqua Zumba class but chickened out thinking it would be too much for me. One of these days…I am loving my Zumba classes. I have a big smile plastered on my face! I am shocked. I just HATED those step aerobics. HATED HATED HATED! Good Luck with your exercises. Have fun. I am.

  2. says: SK

    Yay! Good for you!!
    I love the quote, “Someone who is busier than you is running right now” A big head here at work, manages get her sneakers and shorts on during lunch and runs around the campus., inspite of her busy schedule. Quite an inspiration I say!

    somehow busy people find time to do everything!

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